Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with

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Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with around 7000 downloads for businesses all around the world.

We provide end-to-end software solutions in a variety of industry verticals, including publishing, hotels, print media, customer management, content management, social media, performance engineering retails, and others.


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bullet-point.png?1557840456953 Themes and template designing

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bullet-point.png?1563448864365 90 days free support

bullet-point.png?1557840605665 Superior tech expertise

bullet-point.png?1563448933381 Cost-effective services

bullet-point.png?1563448956491 24*7 customer service

bullet-point.png?1557840751283 Good Quality products Free website performance audit

bullet-point.png?1563449034899 AWS hosting for CS-Cart


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CS-Cart Advanced Vendor List
3.0 (2)
CS-Cart Advanced Vendor List provides the enhanced view of vendor directory at your storefront ie; vendor names sorted alphabetically.
Product Page Shipping Cost
2.5 (2)
This splendid extension allows user to display available shipping methods and price on the product view page based on the location specified. The ad-don permits customers to calculate their product shipping before adding the desired product to the cart.
Mass Order Status Update
No reviews
This addon Allows you to Update the Mass Orders Status in a single click.
Product Availability By Pincode/Zipcode
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This Add-on will enable Product availability by pincode/zipcode. With the support of this magnificent add-on the customers can easily find out whether the product they want to order can be delivered in the desired postal address
COD Availability By Pincode/Zipcode
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This magnificent COD availability checker extension allows user to configure cash on delivery to specific Pincode/Zipcode. This feature facilitates customer's buying experience and enhance customer satisfaction. Installing the extension open an option for user to make COD serviceable or non-serviceable based on Pincode/Zipcode.
Order Clone
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This magnificent extension helps to replicate the order to create a new order. This involves the concept of generating an identical copy of order with different order id.
Bulk Delete
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This magnificent add-on helps site owner to allow the bulk deletion of Product Features, Filters and Options. This makes the deletion process fast & hassle free at admin end. This useful addon is well integrated with CS-Cart Multivendor.
Vendor KYC
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This magnificent add-on helps the store admin to built a process of verifying the vendor’s authentication. This reduces the risk and financial frauds by providing the objective to know your vendor better.
Extended Catalog Mode
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CS-Cart Extended Catalog Mode is an add-on that enables the admin to activate catalog mode for selected categories. But keep the default way for another category. It allows the store to operate in both ways.
CS-Cart Vendor Mobile App
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Separate application for vendors. Now it is not necessary to have desktop/laptops to access your vendor panel.
Muut - Commenting And Forums Integration
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CS-Cart Muut - Commenting And Forums Integration provides real time commenting on various pages like product page, blog page, category page, vendor page etc
Flipkart Connector
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With the help of CS-Cart Flipkart Connector, you can manage your products and orders on Flipkart via CS-Cart backend.
Store Pickup Shipping
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CS-Cart store pickup shipping allows customers to pick up the product from the nearest store assigned by the seller/admin. The product is not compatible with Common Vendor Product