Hungryweb is a distinguished software firm with a core focus on delivering sophisticated

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Hungryweb | CS-Cart Developer

Hungryweb is a distinguished software firm with a core focus on delivering sophisticated eCommerce solutions through the utilization of CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor platforms. Our dedicated team of seasoned developers and designers tirelessly endeavors to ensure that merchants gain access to the latest and most streamlined web stores available.

Our range of services encompasses the adept management of eCommerce websites, ensuring their harmonious integration with diverse Internet services, and delivering steadfast, ongoing support to sustain our clients' enduring prosperity. We recognize the pivotal role of a robust and user-centric platform in the triumph of an eCommerce enterprise, and our dedicated team diligently strives to furnish precisely that.

At Hungryweb, our unwavering dedication is to provide top-tier solutions tailored to the distinct requirements of our clients. Whether you represent a burgeoning small enterprise embarking on its inaugural eCommerce venture or a prominent corporation striving to amplify its online footprint, our profound expertise and extensive experience are at your disposal, ensuring your triumph in the dynamic realm of the digital marketplace.

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Subscribe Popup
2.8 (3)
Tags SEO Functionality
5.0 (1)
Скидка 28%
A-Z Product Catalog
5.0 (1)
Скидка 13%

The A-Z Product Catalog mapping provides you with an easy way to find products by their names. Each product name is linked to a detailed page where you can find product information.

Fancy Color Filter
5.0 (1)
Скидка 11%

Allow your customers to browse your products by using color filters.

Responsive FAQ's Page
5.0 (1)

The modern way to list all FAQ's in a responsive page, simple and efficient.

Hide Product Code in the Frontend
5.0 (1)

Add-on allow you to hide product code in frontend and also hide it from invoices sent to customers.

Backend Additional Functionalities
5.0 (1)

Add additional functionalities to CS-Cart backend like sorting product by date added, Drag & Drop sorting products.

Auto Add User To Group on Register
5.0 (1)

Auto Add User To Group on Register CS-Cart extension will assign new users to a selected group on register.

Info Popup for Customers
2.7 (2)

The Info Popup for Customers add-on allows store owners to inform customers about their own products/services or display advertising banners on homepage or run some promotional campaigns.

Custom Shipment Carriers & Tracking Number Process
3.5 (2)
Скидка 20%
Random Products
2.3 (3)

The add-on will help you to create a product showcase block with random items.

Infinite Scroll Pagination
3.0 (1)

Automatically load the next page of products by AJAX after the end of the list.

Falling Snow Effect
2.0 (1)

Powered snowflakes falling animations on your web page for upcoming holidays.

Custom Manufacturers / Brands Carousel
1.0 (1)

Ability to create a custom product brands carousel presented in the store.

Simple Blog
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Simple Blog Functionality add-on add blog functionality base on pages to your CS-Cart online store by listing pages child's from a specific page.

View All Products
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View All option will deliver to your customer all products on a single page, without being forced to navigate from page to page to see all the products from a given category.

New Arrivals
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Скидка 29%

New Arrivals add-on adds extra functionality to your CS-Cart online store. The available products are listed automatically depending of the release date. It is the simple way to keep the customers up-to-date and give more visibility to the newest products.

Search Products by Product Code
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The search functionality in CS.Cart doesn't search by product_code by default.

This add-on adds this functionality to both the backend frontend on regular search.

Scroll Page Back to Top
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Scroll Page Back to Top is a FREE CS-Cart add-on to add a custom image button that appears only when users scroll down the page allowing customers to scroll back to top of the page.

Social Media Sidebar
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Add social links to the side of your website quickly and easily with this highly customizable set of styles.

Order Referrer
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Show order domain referrer + URL on order details and also full reports and conversion rate using referrer domain and URL to better understand your customers.

Youtube Responsive Video Tab
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Easy solution to add YouTube video into a new product details tab or in full product description.

Share Your Wish List
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Allow your customers to share their Wish List to friends via Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Cookie Law Responsive
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The Cookie Law is a piece of privacy legislation that requires websites to get consent from visitors.

Hide from Search Engines
Нет отзывов

Discourage search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing from indexing your CS-Cart store.

Categories Block
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Product Questions
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Mostly customers have many questions or doubts about many products when they go for online shopping.

Change Homepage with any Category, Product or Page
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You simple choose what category, product or page you with to take place of you frontend.

Newest Products from Same Category
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Add-on list newest products from same category order by popularity on product details page.

Frontend Editor
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Starting now you can edit categories, products and upload product images from frontend very simple.

Testimonial Slider
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Highly customizable add-on that will help you adding a slider of different testimonials received from customers, readers and valuable users.

Custom Code
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Add custom HTML, CSS and JavaScript to Head, Styles, Scripts and Footer.

Sortable Picker
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Size Guide Popup
Нет отзывов

This module helps customers to choose the size that fits them perfectly.

CS-Cart "Modern Backend Theme"
Нет отзывов
Скидка 9%
Smart 404 Not Found URL's Fixer
Нет отзывов
Скидка 10%

The Smart 404 Not Found URL's Fixer extension is a quick help to solve 404 errors appearing on some pages, such as categories, products, pages or images.

Product Tabs Extra
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Have you ever needed an extra tab on the product page? The product page is one of the most important parts of your store.

Sticky Menu on Scroll
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Sticky menus makes websites quicker to navigate with 22%, might not seem like a big number, but it can have a big impact on visitors, could cut 36 seconds off of a five-minute visit to a website.

Product Tabs Per User Groups
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Product Tabs Per User Groups CS-Cart extension allow you to show / hide product tabs depend on user groups.

Store Opening Hours
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Скидка 27%

Highlight the opening/closing hours of your store timetable automatically.

Zendesk Chat ( formerly Zopim Live Chat )
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Talk to your customers in real-time. Live chat is a faster and more personal way for you to engage your customers.

MOQ - Minimum Order Quantity Per User Group
Нет отзывов
Скидка 10%
Sales Reports Export to Excel
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Скидка 20%
Advanced Breadcrumbs
Нет отзывов
Graphic + Text Banners Blocks
Нет отзывов
Send to a Friend
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