Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with

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Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with around 7000 downloads for businesses all around the world.

We provide end-to-end software solutions in a variety of industry verticals, including publishing, hotels, print media, customer management, content management, social media, performance engineering retails, and others.


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bullet-point.png?1557840456953 Themes and template designing

bullet-point.png?1563448836525 Great and friendly customer support

bullet-point.png?1563448864365 90 days free support

bullet-point.png?1557840605665 Superior tech expertise

bullet-point.png?1563448933381 Cost-effective services

bullet-point.png?1563448956491 24*7 customer service

bullet-point.png?1557840751283 Good Quality products Free website performance audit

bullet-point.png?1563449034899 AWS hosting for CS-Cart


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CS-Cart Multi Vendor Request for Quote
5.0 (1)

CS-Cart Marketplace Request for Quotation provides the functionality for the customers to request quotes for the CS-Cart store products. The buyers can send quote requests for the custom products as well using the extension.

Product Badges
3.0 (4)
CS-Cart Product Badges allows admin to attach custom badges/labels to product. Badges can be used to promote the product in a very effective manner.
Salesforce Connector
4.0 (1)
Save 33%

This magnificent extension is an association merging between CS-Cart and Salesforce. It is the next generation extension revamping the features of ecommerce and CRM platform. At very initial stage the basic CS-Cart content is being synchronized with Salesforce to give a new picture to the concept of B2B and B2C. The idea behind the concept is to increase data integrity, maintain proper inventory of stock, real time order generation, provide a brilliant customer care services and much more.

MSG91 SMS Notification
4.0 (1)
CS-Cart MSG91 SMS Notification is designed for SMS alerts to admin and customer on user registration, new order placement and new shipment creation.
Accelerated Mobile Pages
3.0 (2)
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Boost the performance rate by decreasing the duration of loading of pages with CS-Cart Accelerated Mobile Pages
Custom Stock Status
3.0 (2)
CS-Cart Custom Stock Status adds a custom message or image instead of CS-cart default In Stock/Out of stock line.
CS-Cart Advanced Vendor List
3.0 (2)
CS-Cart Advanced Vendor List provides the enhanced view of vendor directory at your storefront ie; vendor names sorted alphabetically.
Product Package Builder
2.5 (2)

This magnificent add-on is built to enable the product package option in the website. Using this user will be able to sell multiple products in a package. It has the option to add discounts on whole package or on individual product in the package and sell it together at frontend.