WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed

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WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed CS-Cart templates.

Dynamic Search
5.0 (4)

With the Dynamic Search module you get search results while you type.

5.0 (1)

Custom Dynamic Search Engine Optimization - CDSEO. The most complex additional SEO add-on for CS-Cart ever released.Highly recommended add-on for all CS-Cart owner!

Canonical tag + SEO History + Meta tags + Custom 301, 404 redirects

Back in Stock
Back in Stock
5.0 (1)

A great tool for catching up on the sales that you may have missed while the product was out of stock!
This add-on has been developed to allow CS-Cart store owners to implement a Back in Stock Email Notification for customers who require a product that is currently out of stock.

GeoIP Currencies
GeoIP Languages
5.0 (1)
Social Media Sidebar
4.0 (1)

With the Dynamic Search module you get search results while you type.

2.0 (1)

With the Dynamic Search module you get search results while you type.

Abandoned Cart Reminder
1.0 (1)

Push notifications to Android and iOS devices with ease!

Mobile Push Notifications
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Push notifications to Android and iOS devices with ease!

Deal of the day with Alerts
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Is completely automated add-on that will make offers to your customers and inform them by email about the deals. The best marketing tool for e-commerce.

Direct Inquiry
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Displays a direct product enquiry form on the product details page.

Tabbed Blocks
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Lots of content? Little space? Tabbed Blocks comes to the rescue. Embed different blocks into one with tabs.

GeoIP Currencies
GeoIP Currencies
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Automatic Cross-Selling
Automatic Cross-Selling
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This add-on enables upselling / cross selling in CS-Cart store. Adds the ability to specify links among the products in different ways and rules, all this automatically. So that when a store visitor views the details page of a certain product, he or she is offered other items as alternatives or in addition to the item on view.

Account Activation
Account Activation
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In addition to the Administrator must activate new user accounts options it would be very useful to have the ability to require user email verification instead. This add-on is making exactly this.