Цена  $
Совместимость с версиями
Модуль импорт товаров из xml (формата yandex market)
5.0 (13)
  • Тонкая настройка импорта.
  • Улучшенная архитектура модуля.
Customer App
5.0 (13)
Скидка 33%
Универсальный модуль CDN для cs-cart
5.0 (7)
  • Ускоряет работу сайта.
  • Снижает нагрузку на сервер.
  • Поднимает в поисковой выдаче.
Message Center With Attachment Addon
5.0 (4)
Скидка 18%
YML Экспорт в Яндекс Маркет
5.0 (3)
  • Экспорт в режиме реального времени.
  • Фильтрация товаров для экспорта.
Amazon Connector
5.0 (3)

Now it has become easier to sell on multiple channels & manage catalog and sales on just one platform. With the help of this add-on, you can manage your products and orders of from Amazon via CS-Cart backend.

CS-Cart Support Ticketing System
5.0 (3)
Скидка 13%
Shopify Connector
3.7 (3)

This allows you to connect and integrate Shopify data to your cs-cart store. It allows you to map category and map shipping locations for products. Also a merchant is able to creates various accounts.

Customer Logs System
5.0 (1)
Скидка 9%
Etsy Connector
Нет отзывов

With the help of Etsy Connector, you can manage your products and orders of Etsy via CS-Cart backend. You can also export and update the product on Etsy via CS-Cart admin panel just by configuring this simple and effective addon.

Zoho Inventory Connector
Нет отзывов
Скидка 50%

Zoho Inventory Connector module allows you to sync your data from CS-Cart to Zoho Inventory. The module provides the syncing of customers, products and orders. The customers, products and orders can be synced from CS-Cart to Zoho Inventory. Admin may also delete these records from Zoho Inventory. Admin may also import customers and products from Zoho Inventory to CS-Cart.

OZON интеграция
Нет отзывов
Скидка 50%
Lazada Connector
Нет отзывов
Скидка 25%
CS-Cart Reward Points Expiry Date
Нет отзывов
Скидка 51%
Salesforce Connector
Нет отзывов