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Синхронизация статусов доставки из курьерских служб
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Универсальный модуль для синхронизации статусов заказов с курьерскими службами.
External code for new CommerceML exchange
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Displays the external code (external id) in the product card, including in the variation. Supports export and import.
Add-ons to the CommerceML module
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The module displays the Administration->Data synchronization menu for the multivendor version to the main administrator, allows vendors to create a product based on a common product when exchanging goods through 1C, and also disable the ability to create new goods through the 1C exchange for vendors.
Integration with LitRes service
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Flexible integration with the book marketplace. Create your own bookstore..
Import of goods "Project 111"
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tooltip cs cart
Advanced Tooltip codesbar
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Advance Tooltip allows users to put text, image and video for each tooltip.

runCRM - delivery management system
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Płatności online Autopay
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Wtyczka Płatności Autopay dla CS-Cart umożliwia szybkie i bezpieczne przyjmowanie płatności online przez e-sprzedawców korzystających z oprogramowania CS-Cart.

Lazada Connector
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