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On sale
Google Merchant Shopping Feeds
5.0 (5)
This plugin allows you to create dynamic advertising in Google for the promotion of online store products using data feed. 
Upload your product data, and millions of shoppers will see your online merchandise and products in the store. Change it at any time so that customers always see relevant information in your ads
Google Product Ratings and Customer Reviews
5.0 (1)
Collect customers' reviews about your online store for Google Merchant program.
Smartarget Whatsapp - Contact Us
5.0 (3)

Allow customers to contact you using Whatsapp

Google Address Autocomplete
5.0 (6)

This addon will speed up the checkout process by filling in the checkout address info automatically. This will save time for your customers and prevent typing errors.

Пункты выдачи в карточке товара и списке магазинов
5.0 (2)
Модуль добавляет способы доставки и выводит пункты выдачи прямо в карточке товара и в списке магазинов.
Multiple Facebook Pixels
5.0 (1)

Track user actions in your store and run multiple Facebook and Instagram ads campaign more effectively.