Price  $
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This add-on is an add-on for reviews in cs-cart. Its main features are:

  • Adds a rating to products (not displayed in the product card) and sorting by rating
  • Adds the ability to enable or disable the display of ratings for goods in the block.
  • Displays more detailed grade information.
Hide out of stock product variations when filtering
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows hiding product variations, which have zero stock when filtering products.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Hide categories without products
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  • Hide empty categories.
  • Cron to stay up-to-date.
Guest Orders for Existing Customers
5.0 (2)
Simplify the checkout by enaibling guest orders for existing customers even if their emails are registered in the database.
Guest Checkout Pro - Allow Registered Customers To Checkout As Guest
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Guest Checkout Pro for
CS-Cart will allow registered customers to checkout as guest

Grouped Merchant Features for CS-Cart
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The "Grouped characteristics" module in two clicks will combine the characteristics and values into one and assign the necessary values. The module also solves the problem of end-to-end filtering of goods or services by the visitor, accelerating the search for goods and increasing customer loyalty.

Grouped Feature Options for CS-Cart
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Different suppliers may have similar products, the name of the characteristic may also coincide, but the spelling of the value of the variant of the characteristic may differ. The module groups several characterization options into one.

CS-Cart addon google trusted stores
Google Trusted Stores
5.0 (1)

This module adds a Google Trusted Store site badge to your store

Google structured data image
Google Structured Data
5.0 (2)
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This add-on helps to attract new buyers to your shop while they are searching smth on the Internet with the help of Google Rich Snippets markup.

Google Rich Snippets Cs-Cart add-on
Google Rich Snippets
5.0 (2)
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It displays Rich Snippets for product details pages and regular pages in Google search results.

Google Product Ratings and Customer Reviews
5.0 (1)
Collect customers' reviews about your online store for Google Merchant program.
Google One Tap login
5.0 (1)
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Your customers will be able to log in really with one click.
Google Merchant Shopping Feeds
5.0 (5)
This plugin allows you to create dynamic advertising in Google for the promotion of online store products using data feed. 
Upload your product data, and millions of shoppers will see your online merchandise and products in the store. Change it at any time so that customers always see relevant information in your ads