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Bitrix24 Connector
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Bitrix24 Connector module allows you to sync your data from CS-Cart to Bitrix24. The module provides the syncing of customers, products and orders. The customers, products and orders can be synced from CS-Cart to Bitrix24. Admin may also delete these records from Bitrix24. Admin may also import customers and products from Bitrix24 to CS-Cart.

Generate offers for customers
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows generating offers for customers.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Extended Promotion Conditions
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Скидка 46%

Extended Promotion Condition is a CS-Cart add-on that adds new conditions to cart promotions. These conditions can be used to create more targeted and effective promotional offers, such as buy X get Y deals, new user promotions, one-per-customer deals, max no of redemption of promotion, promotion on selected date, and many more.

Made In Country
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Follow Up on Unanswered Messages
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International Mobile Input
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CS-Cart Reward Points Expiry Date
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Скидка 51%
Антиспам Honeypot CAPTCHA
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Honeypot - это эффективный способ борьбы со спам ботами.