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Generate offers for customers
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows generating offers for customers.

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Extended Promotion Conditions
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Save 46%

Extended Promotion Condition is a CS-Cart add-on that adds new conditions to cart promotions. These conditions can be used to create more targeted and effective promotional offers, such as buy X get Y deals, new user promotions, one-per-customer deals, max no of redemption of promotion, promotion on selected date, and many more.

Made In Country
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The add-on function helps you list the products manufactured by the country with the flag of each country. You can also filter the results by country or the country that manufactures the products in a separate link on the customer interface.

International Phone Number
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An Add-on integrated with CS-Cart for entering and validating international telephone numbers with country code. It adds a (searchable) country drop-down to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder number, formats the number as you type, and provides comprehensive validation methods.