Price  $
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On sale
Suggest your price!
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The module allows your customers to offer their own price for your product, and you can specify the available minimum price depending on the purchase price for it.
Hiding products with zero price (0.00) for CS-Cart
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Products that do not have a price with positive balances will not be displayed in the window.

Virtual categories
5.0 (8)
Build a chain of conditions. Link products to categories. Virtual or physical linking.
Update supplier balances of marketplace
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The module clears the remnants of suppliers ' products.

Power Pop-up Notifications
5.0 (5)
Fully customizable notifications to inform the customer or keep him on the site. Ability to limit the audience, impression statistics.
Power Labels
5.0 (9)
Text and image labels that can be assigned to products or categories manually or automatically via the conditions constructor.
Parameter (Options) Variants Table
5.0 (1)
Displaying a table with all variants of a specific option (parameter) in an additional tab or pop-up window on the product page.