Product Rules - Auto Approve products after import. Activate products with stock. Hide product with 0 stock.
Efficiency for the store
Auto Approve Products, Activate Products with Stock, Hide Products without Stock.
How the product works
Execute the add-on manually or have a CRON job execute the add-on periodically
Trial Version
Trial version provides you an add-on with full set of features for the period from 3 days to month in depence on condition of the specific vendor. The add-on will be disabled when the trial perod is expired. In case the add-on has a free version, when the trial period is expired, the add-on functionality will be limited in accordance with abilities of the free version. Purchase a subscribtion to the add-on in order to restore the full functionality of the add-on.
Freemium Version
Not available
Free version provides you an ability to use the add-on permanently on special condition. Technical support and individual customization services are not available and the add-on functionality, abilities and adaptation to new cs-cart versions are heavily limited. Purchase the add-on subscription or the lifetime version to get the fully functional add-on version.
By subscription
Not available
By purchasing the subscription to the add-on you get the latest version of the add-on. Full functionality of the add-on, its future updates, individual customization and limited amount of free technical support service are available during the subscription period. When the subscription period is expired, the add-on will be disabled on your store. In case the add-on has a “Free Version”, the add-on won’t be disabled but most of its features, technical support services and many other advantages will no longer be available.
Lifetime Version
This subscription type provides a permanent, fully functional version of the add-on. You won’t have to bother with prolongation of subscription, and technical support service will be unlimited for you. Basically, this subscription type is demanded, in case the fully functional add-on version has been previously used, and you have made a certain conclusions about its purpose and efficiency.
Settings view
Settings view
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows integration with Baselinker system. Add-on fully integrates CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor ensuring data exchange about orders and products.
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