Abandoned Cart Reminder

Push notifications to Android and iOS devices with ease!

Отзывов: 1
Abandoned Cart Reminder

The Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on is an effective tool to decrease abandoned cart rate and increase sales for your online store.

Frequently, customers add products to their carts and do not complete the purchase process:
  • they may have been distracted by real-life
  • decided they want to compare with other shop
  • became confused by the check-out process
  • or simply want to wait a while

Whatever the reason, Abandoned Cart Reminder for CS-Cart helps recapture these lost sales. It will send reminders, alerts at configurable intervals to the customer and remind them they have an abandoned cart.

  • send an unlimited number of follow-up reminders
  • enable customers to recover their cart
  • you have complete control of reminders and when they are sent

No core files changes, editing.
Easy installation, 1 click installation compatible!
Detailed installation instructions included!

Note: Cron job is required to be installed on your server to send reminder emails.

  • Store Builder
  • Multi-Vendor
Joshua D Simone
BEWARE...BEWARE... Do not buy this app. After 45 days of going back and forth with this developer the app is still not working. They keep making excuses for why the app don't work. I begged them to help me out and they didn't. DO NOT BUY THIS APP
WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed

Контактная информация

WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed CS-Cart templates.

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