Abandoned Cart Reminder

Push notifications to Android and iOS devices with ease!

Отзывов: 1
3327.32 Р
Abandoned Cart Reminder
3327.32 Р

The Abandoned Cart Reminder add-on is an effective tool to decrease abandoned cart rate and increase sales for your online store.

Frequently, customers add products to their carts and do not complete the purchase process:
  • they may have been distracted by real-life
  • decided they want to compare with other shop
  • became confused by the check-out process
  • or simply want to wait a while

Whatever the reason, Abandoned Cart Reminder for CS-Cart helps recapture these lost sales. It will send reminders, alerts at configurable intervals to the customer and remind them they have an abandoned cart.

  • send an unlimited number of follow-up reminders
  • enable customers to recover their cart
  • you have complete control of reminders and when they are sent

No core files changes, editing.
Easy installation, 1 click installation compatible!
Detailed installation instructions included!

Note: Cron job is required to be installed on your server to send reminder emails.

  • Store Builder
  • Multi-Vendor
WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed

Контактная информация

WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed CS-Cart templates.

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