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Multiple root administrators
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Retains root admin rights for the user
Delivery depending on the location of the goods
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Allows you to limit the delivery based on the availability of goods in certain warehouses
Auto-upload reviews and questions from
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API integration add-on with marketplace . Auto-upload of reviews and questions.

Pick up the item later
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Allows you to select a pickup point where you can receive the goods after they have been moved. Splits the order.
Add-ons to the CommerceML module
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The module displays the Administration->Data synchronization menu for the multivendor version to the main administrator, allows vendors to create a product based on a common product when exchanging goods through 1C, and also disable the ability to create new goods through the 1C exchange for vendors.
Return of goods for Multi-Vendor MW ONE
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The functionality of the module allows you to set the desired values for the categories of goods and services with the output of information on the window. According to the law on consumer protection, this period is 14 days. Compliance with the law increases website conversion.

Expired Products Purchase Restriction
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The CS-Cart Expired Product Purchase Restriction allows the admin to create product purchase restrictions for expired products

Manager's assistant
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The add-on controls the visibility of product information, filters, balances. Allows to show it only for certain groups of users. Adds a customizable tab for the manager on the product card.
Revolut payment gateway
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Integration with one of the most popular payment systems in Europe.

Booking and rent
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This addon allows to turn your store or a specified category into a rental or booking system.
CS-Cart Incomplete Product Addon
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