Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Advanced Add to Cart
5.0 (3)
5253.78 Р
Indicates the products that are already in the cart or in the wish list.
Amazon Connector
5.0 (3)
14158.50 Р
Now it has become easier to sell on multiple channels & manage catalog and sales on just one platform. With the help of this add-on, you can manage your products and orders of from Amazon via CS-Cart backend.
CS Cart add-on SEO rules
SEO Rules
5.0 (3)
3116.65 Р

This module allows to specify SEO name to any URL with extra parameters

CS-Cart addon DaData
5.0 (3)
3472.84 Р

This add-on allows to show suggestions for profile fields and autofill address with geolocation service

Similar categories
5.0 (3)
2938.56 Р
Just link similar categories to the category and products will automatically assign to the specified similar categories.
Auto convert images to WEBP
5.0 (3)
3005.34 Р
Automatically converts all images to WEBP on upload
Chat with your customers in Whatsapp, Viber from order page
5.0 (3)
2938.56 Р
Chat with your customers in Whatsapp, Viber from order page
Smartarget Whatsapp - Contact Us
5.0 (3)

Allow customers to contact you using Whatsapp

Cart Panel
5.0 (3)
1780.94 Р
shows all products added to the cart on the desktop version of the store.
Profile Types for Users & Vendors
5.0 (3)
4452.36 Р
Ability to create several profile types for users and vendors. You can configure a set of profile fields for each profile type.
Age Verification Popup
5.0 (3)
1335.71 Р

Age Verification Popup before
browsing the website

Extended integration with retailCRM
5.0 (3)
18254.67 Р
30387.36 Р
Save 40%
Full, two-way integration with retailCRM.