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On sale
Почта России
2.6 (8)

Официальный модуль Почты России для расчета стоимости и сроков доставки заказов, подготовки партий, формирования бланков и адресных ярлыков, отслеживания статусов отправлений

"Scroll to top" button
2.5 (2)
Make on-page navigation more user friendly
Booking Reservation System
2.3 (4)

This magnificent add-on helps user to create and manage appointments/reservations online. The main motive for developing such extension is to organize the reservation systems at CS-Cart end. It is flexible and intuitive to use for various types of online booking services.

Seller Plan Contract
1.0 (2)

This addon allows an admin to create a contract for each seller plan that includes the details of the seller company and various terms and conditions that an admin want to add to his contract.

CS-Cart add-on Shipping Restrictions
Shipping restrictions
1.0 (1)
Let your customers know forbidden locations for delivery.
CS-Cart addon administrative toolbar
Administration Toolbar
1.0 (1)

This module creates easily customizable toolbar for the administrator panel

chatra logo
Chatra Live Chat and Cart Saver
1.0 (1)

Modern Live Chat Software. Boost conversions, solve issues,in real time.

Live chat allows you to answer questions and alleviate concerns, unstucking visitors and helping them place an order. Use it to collect actionable feedback to improve your service: identify problems, capture leads and know your customers. It’s really easy with Chatra.
Import from eBay
1.0 (1)
Import product data from your eBay to CS-Cart. All you need is the standard set of correct eBay developer IDs (API, token, Certificate Key, Developer Key).
Countdown promotion timer
Countdown promotion timer
1.0 (1)
Save 20%

Allows to display the remaining promotion time in the form of countdown timer on a product/category page. This add-on helps to attracts customers' attention to store promotions and as a result increase sales.

PayU (Poland) Payment Gateway
1.0 (1)

This magnificent extension allows site owner to integrate PayU with CS-Cart/Multi-vendor store. Integrating PayU opens up various options to receive payments from multiple channels.

Endicia Shipping Label
1.0 (1)

CS-Cart Endicia Shipping Label Generation allows store Admin to check Endicia account status, add Endicia postage, generate USPS shipping labels.