CS-Cart Booking Reservation System

This magnificent add-on helps user to create and manage appointments/reservations online. The main motive for developing such extension is to organize the reservation systems at CS-Cart end. It is flexible and intuitive to use for various types of online booking services.
Reviews: 4
Last update: 14.02.2025 Supports current CS-Cart version

Booking And Reservation System For CS-Cart

CS-Cart Booking Reservation System

CS-Cart Booking Reservation System: This magnificent add-on helps user to create and manage appointments/reservations online. The main motive for developing such extension is to organize the reservation systems at CS-Cart end. It is flexible and intuitive to use for various types of online booking services.

Features :

  • Well integrated with CS-Cart Multivendor.
  • Concept of "single booking for many days" has been provided. This functionality has the concept of sole booking for numerous days.
  • Concept of "many bookings for single day" is available. The functionality allows admin to create numerous booking slots for a single day.
  • Concept of "customized single booking for multiple days" is available. This functionality allows customers to create and book their own slot from frontend.
  • A splendid calendar view and table listing implemented which makes the site attractive.
  • Admin has been provided the option to configure calendar and booking form available at backend.
  • Feature to create book and break time for "multiple booking for single day" is available.
  • A separate tab is available for admin to manage his/her bookings based on multiple booking and single booking.
  • The option to book and cancel booked orders are available at vendor end.
  • Dynamic event displays according to the date in case of one booking for many days.
  • Functionality of checkout check is available for already booked products.
  • Feature to set date and time for availability is provided to choose booking more precisely.
  • Works as per the real time booking. Visitors can check the availability of property or any service as offered and make a booking.
  • Function of cancellation for already booked products are available at admin end.
  • Store Builder
  • Multi-Vendor
Compatible versions
  • 4.18.3
  • 4.18.2.SP1
  • 4.18.2
  • 4.18.1.SP1
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.17.2.SP3
  • 4.17.2.SP2
  • 4.17.2.SP1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.16.1
  • English
Sergei Mazur
Does not work at all, need serious revision. Do not spent your money for this addon
Patricio Delgado
I tried to use the Demo but can´t book any date for 2021
Axel Caraballo Luis Gonzalez
The add on had some issues but wow, what a team. They found them and fixed them. Simple, easy and ready to use. We have the multi-vendor CS-Cart and this add-on is exactly what we need for booking services and appointments.
Geraldo V Vieira
This is a very basic addon witch is way over priced. It's has a few bugs and inventory doesn't work on it which means you can't sell more than one appointment per day. Support is there but very unhelpfull so I would keep way.
Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with

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Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with around 7000 downloads for businesses all around the world.

We provide end-to-end software solutions in a variety of industry verticals, including publishing, hotels, print media, customer management, content management, social media, performance engineering retails, and others.

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