Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Additional services
5.0 (1)
Allows you to create list of additional services you provide (e.g. gift wrapping, Shipping Insurance etc.)
Categories Export/Import
4.1 (9)

This module allows to export and import product categories in your store

Quick Search
4.5 (4)
Save 41%
Optimizes search results by allowing you to search by category, brand and product features, thereby increasing conversion rates on the site
Size Charts
5.0 (5)
Ability to create and display various size charts on the page of a single product or products of an entire category.
Images Optimization
5.0 (10)
This module allows you to optimize images in order to increase the speed of pages loading for your website
Cs-Cart add-on mobile layout
Mobile Layout
5.0 (3)

This module allows to use specific layout and theme style for mobile devices

CS-Cart addon PayPal Button
PayPal Button
5.0 (2)

This module allows to show PayPal Express Checkout button on the product details page

Virtual categories
5.0 (8)
Build a chain of conditions. Link products to categories. Virtual or physical linking.
Product Currency
4.6 (7)
Ability to set prices for products in the administration panel in a non-basic currency of the store.
Product code generator
5.0 (7)
  • Generates a product SKU automatically.
  • Flexible settings of the article template.
Automatic User Account Creation
5.0 (4)
Сreate an account for every guest buyer with the generation of a random password and use of the email entered by the guest.
Facebook Catalog Feed (Facebook Store) + Instagram Feed
5.0 (2)
Save 30%
The plugin makes it possible to create dynamic advertising on Facebook for the promotion of online store products using data feed.
Upload your product data and let millions of shoppers see your online and in-store inventory. Edit it whenever you want, so shoppers always see the right information in your ads.
The plugin allows you to create and quickly adjust a large number of advertisements depending on the presence or absence of certain goods in stock (showing only current ads).