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Hide product uploading fields
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This addon will hide information from product uploading fields as per details in full description tab

Manager's assistant
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The add-on controls the visibility of product information, filters, balances. Allows to show it only for certain groups of users. Adds a customizable tab for the manager on the product card.
Credit aggregator
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Displays data on all loan offers and installments in one list on the storefront. This allows you to quickly determine the most favorable conditions. quick entry of addresses
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Shows hints when entering an address on the checkout page. Automatically fills in the zip code. Integrated with service
Hide vendor information from cs cart store
Codesbar Hide Vendor Information cs cart
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This add-on gives you complete control to hide and display vendor information, you can easily choose which information of vendor should be visible on store front-end and which should not be displayed.

Standard Product Photo for CS-Cart
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Standard photo for vendor goods
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Sorting goods by characteristic
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Allows you to sort products in a category according to the selected feature or article. Facilitates the search for the desired product and makes shopping more convenient for customers.