CS-Cart Nivo Slider

CS-Cart Nivo Slider add-on is a jQuery image slider that lets you create great sliders with beautiful transition effects.

Отзывов: 2

CS-Cart Nivo Slider add-on is a jQuery image slider that lets you create great sliders with beautiful transition effects.

5405.77 Р
CS-Cart Nivo Slider
CS-Cart Nivo Slider
5405.77 Р

CS-Cart Nivo Slider add-on is a jQuery image slider that lets you create great sliders with beautiful transition effects.

CS-Cart Nivo Slider

Merchant Benefits

This CS-Cart slider is a great banner for you to show your products or special promotions. Nivo Slider has 12 unique transition effects and supports responsive option.

Turn simple HTML markup into an image slide and build your SEO optimization (all content always readable for search engines). The main feature of the addon is live preview mode. Just add a few slides, save settings and you can see Live Preview in Demo Suits tab.

Main Features

CS-Cart Nivo Slider by CartTuning

  • 12 unique transition effects
  • 4 awesome slider themes
  • Unlimited number of slides
  • Live preview in admin area
  • Delay between slides
  • Slide transition speed
  • Supports responsive option
  • Supports linked images
  • Open targeted url in the same or in a new window
  • Supports Html caption
  • Defines sort order and status for each slide
  • Supports control navigation
  • Option to setup starting slide
  • Supports thumbnails for control navigation
  • Option to stop animation while hovering
  • Supports multi instances on the same page
  • Doesn't affect CS-Cart core files

How it works

  • Upload add-on files from the archive to the server
  • Install the add-on in the add-ons section
  • Configure the add-on
  • Add a few slides to slider and add a block with the slider to pages
  • On our website page you can view video tutorials for the add-on

Need help?

This CS-Cart add-on is developed and published by CartTuning, CS-Cart developer.

You are guaranteed to buy a quality add-on and to get fast and efficient tech support in case you need it via our help desk system.

  • Store Builder
  • Multi-Vendor
Совместимость с версиями
  • 4.2.x
  • 4.1.x
  • 4.0.x
  • 3.x
  • 2.x
Spencer Tan
Very good this basically is making a dream come true for us A addon that you must have cheers
These guys are the only ones that have helped me with my CSCart issues so quickly. I've purchased other products from other sites and the other ones say they support the products and never respond. These guys were 'spot on' and on Friday night! They are awesome. I give them a 10!

CartTuning is reliable partner that offers an extensive selection of cs-cart addons and templates with a wide range of services.

Контактная информация

Телефон +1 646-373-2444

CartTuning is reliable partner that offers an extensive selection of cs-cart addons and templates with a wide range of services.

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