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Enhanced eCommerce for Google Analytics (GA4)
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Get a detailed report in real-time or for a selected period and analyze your customers' action

Extended Email marketing
5.0 (13)
All features for successful email-marketing. Abandoned cart, wishlist, viewed products reminders, event notifications, products review requests. 
Extended Order Logger
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Detailed history of the order changes on the order details page in the admin panel including  information about added / removed positions, order status change, total order amount, etc.
Extended vendor information on product page
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The addon adds a block to the product card that expands information about the vendor in the product card and on the vendor page.
Forms Manager Logger
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Logs all data of the submitted forms on a separate page in the admin panel and in the user’s personal account.
Generate simple sales reports
5.0 (4)
Add-on to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows generating sales reports basing on categories, products or customer in CSV format.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
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Google Analytics and Facebook pixel for vendors
5.0 (2)
This addon allows your vendors to specify Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
Google Enhanced Ecommerce (GA4)
5.0 (1)
Additional options to configure analytics. Tracking user actions in an online store with the ability to create your own custom events.