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BestPrice 360
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BestPrice 360 is an Integration for CS-Cart that records the clicks and sales made by guests in your store, informing you about the conversion rate.

Enhanced eCommerce for Google Analytics (GA4)
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Get a detailed report in real-time or for a selected period and analyze your customers' action

SEO analytics PRO for online store on CMS CS-Cart
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The module has a more advanced and flexible content management system. In contrast to the usual module "SEO site analysis", it allows you to further analyze the elements of the "blog" and the objects of the "HTML designer Tilda". Added the ability to configure each item (products, categories, etc.) separately, and select special characters from the list that are considered an error.

SEO analytics PRO for marketplace
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The module has a more advanced and flexible content management system. In contrast to the usual module "SEO site analysis", it allows you to further analyze the elements of the "blog" and the objects of the "HTML designer Tilda". Added the ability to configure each item (products, categories, etc.) separately, and select special characters from the list that are considered an error.

[DATAROU] Order Analysis
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[DATAROU] Order Analysis Pro
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