Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
Pay by Link
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Generate payment links and send the email message with an invitation to pay.
Shipping method currency
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Choose the currency for each shipping method.
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Vendor's Minimum Order Amount
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Allows you to set for each vendor the minimum order amount required to place an order.
Order payment after confirmation
5.0 (6)
A module for stores that require a confirmation of the availability of items in the order before the customer's payment
Automatic currency change when changing language
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The add-on allows you to configure the main and minor currencies for each interface language and automatically switch between them when changing the language
Wallet System for CS-Cart
5.0 (6)
Save 31%
Empower your CS-Cart store with a built-in wallet system, allowing users to easily manage funds for seamless checkout.
Joint use payments in MVE Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments mode
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If you install and turn on in MVE add-on "Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments", customers will be able pay for purchases only using vendors payments. But with this add-on vendor can use and provide for customers not only own payments. In this case they will be able to use marketplace payments.

Tinkoff crediting
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Allows you to place an order on credit or in installments through Tinkoff
Shipping and Payment Restrictions
4.9 (10)
Flexible management of existing delivery and payment methods on the checkout page depending on the current conditions.