Price  $
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Development type
Swiper.js (banners, carousels, product images on hover)
5.0 (3)
Add carousels for a lot of blocks, changes product images on hover. Add banners carousel
Lazy images
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With the help of our add-on images will start downloading only after they become visible on the screen and not in advance. This functionality allows downloading less content during the initial page loading thus speeds up the store and reduces the load on the server.

Images Convert: webp, jp2, lazy load, png & jpg compress
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The Image Convert Pro module helps to optimize all your images and improve the performance of your website

Help Center for customers
4.7 (3)
Save 46%

A powerful tool designed to empower store administrators with the ability to create a comprehensive self-help documentation (knowledge base) section directly on the website.

Floating Menu
5.0 (2)
Fixes the position of a top panel and a main horizontal menu while scrolling the page down. It is a practical feature to optimize surfing large pages.
Masonry Grid
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Set the blocks display for one or all products on your own.
Images gallery
4.8 (5)
Add customizable image galleries to products, blogs, orders, forms, content pages and HTML blocks.
Power Labels
5.0 (9)
Text and image labels that can be assigned to products or categories manually or automatically via the conditions constructor.