make shop

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Phone 8 800 200-97-75

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Чехов Russian Federation
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Design creation
Design integration
Add-on/modification development
Turnkey website
Mobile application
August 2015
English Русский
Russian Federation

With make shop, your online presence is not just a website, it's a comprehensive, scalable platform that helps your business thrive in the digital era. We are not just developers. We are your e-commerce partners, turning your visions into reality.

Today, make shop is a dynamic company specialising in advanced e-commerce solutions. We do not limit ourselves to creating online stores alone. We believe in expanding possibilities. 

The make shop team also designs custom add-ons, expanding website functionality to meet our clients' specific needs. Our commitment to innovation drives us to continually enhance and optimise the digital world of online shopping.

Our primary services include:

  • Development of online stores and marketplaces
  • Template and theme implementation
  • Custom design development
  • Custom solutions of any complexity
  • SEO optimisation
  • SEO maintenance
  • Advertising setup
  • Integration with third-party services
  • Website maintenance and support
  • Mobile app development

And much more, just email us at [email protected].

Check out our portfolio

Our dedicated technical support team is ready to help you solve any CS-Cart related issues. We provide expert advice, help with customization, troubleshooting and training. Our goal is to ensure smooth operation of your store.
Planning to migrate to CS-Cart? We'll assist you with data migration, transferring products, customers, and orders. Our experts ensure a secure and efficient transition to the CS-Cart platform.
Design creation
Our designers will create a unique design for your store. We consider your branded elements, user preferences, and modern trends. The result is an attractive and functional interface.
Design integration
Our integration experts are ready to align your store's design with the CS-Cart platform. We consider your branded elements, color palette, and user experience. The result is a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics.
Add-on/modification development
Need custom functionality for your store? We develop apps, modifications, and integrations to meet your unique requirements. Reliable and professional solutions.
Turnkey website
Ready to launch your online store, but you need some guidance? We offer turnkey solutions from development to launch, including setup, design, integrations, and training. Your store will be ready for sales.
Mobile application
A mobile app is a convenient way to attract customers. We'll develop a mobile app for you, optimized for iOS and Android platforms. Users can easily shop through the app.


5.00 / 50 assessments
Rating based on user opinions
Считаю, что MakeShopPro - это одни из лучших разработчиков под cs-cart на сегодняшний день. Отличный коллектив, профессионалы своего дела. Знаю ребят уже лет 5, вижу как они растут и развиваются.
Задача: интегрировать интернет-магазин управляемый на Cs-Cart с системой учета склада и CRM системой АмоСРМ, с возможностью гибкого общения с клиентами, получения и обработки заказов из CMS в CRM.
Случайно нашли разработчиков makeshop чему очень рады. Купив их модуль по синхронизации необходима была доработка из за особенностей нашего магазина. Ребята сразу отозвались и исправили.
Искал разработчика интернет магазинов, наткнулся на платформу cs-cart, обратился к создателям. На меня стали выходить разные представители этой платформы в России. В их числе была команда Майкшоп. Все
Запустили маркетплейс с помощью команды MakeShop. Хорошо организованные и сплочённые действия студии помогли быстро и качественно добиться желаемого результата. Оптимальные цены и быстрые сроки
Дали грамотную консультацию, все работы выполнили в срок!
Спасибо команде Makeshopro за оперативное реагирование и решение технических проблем, даже в выходные дни! Хочу также отметить очень удобную платформу, на которой они работают: создание задач, смена
Заказывал в MakeShop разработку интернет-магазина. Переезжали с конструктора на CS-Cart. Ребят выбрал потому что они единственные кто дал грамотный, развернутый ответ на наше ТЗ по каждому пункту и
Большие молодцы. Работают старательно. Ещё и приятны в общении.
Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Алексей Сергеев, я владелец интернет-магазина Магазин новый, работает с 2019 г., первоначальные настройки я делал самостоятельно. Со временем стало очевидно,


Auto convert images to WEBP
5.0 (3)
Automatically converts all images to WEBP on upload
Quick Search
4.5 (4)
Save 41%
Optimizes search results by allowing you to search by category, brand and product features, thereby increasing conversion rates on the site
Images lazy load
5.0 (2)
Save 64%
Increases the speed of loading pages of the site, reduces the consumption of user resources due to the improved algorithm of loading images on the site.
Vendor feedbacks
3.8 (4)
The add-on allows customers to rate sellers and leave feedback after purchases. Gives you the opportunity to respond to a review or file a complaint
Phone Authorization
5.0 (1)
Allows to authorize by phone with SMS code or password
Bilateral order exchange with MoySklad
5.0 (1)
МExtended order exchange between MoySklad and CS-Cart. The order status, order composition, payment and delivery methods are transmitted. Works by API.
Customer reliability
No reviews
The add-on integrates with the "Blacklist" service from It checks client data against the database and displays their order redemption rating. Additionally, the add-on provides the store with summary information about the number of orders made by the customer, which is shown in the details of each order.
Banking details and invoices
No reviews
Allows you to flexibly configure and automatically fill in the details of the buyer using the DaData service for invoicing. Adds the ability to create forms for registering a vendor or a buyer with details fields from the module settings