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International Phone Number
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An Add-on integrated with CS-Cart for entering and validating international telephone numbers with country code. It adds a (searchable) country drop-down to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder number, formats the number as you type, and provides comprehensive validation methods.

Filling products block from saved search
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flexible customization of product selection, random sorting in a block
Instagram stories for your store
5.0 (3)
Add beautiful stories to your store!
Image gallery for the site and optimisation of the seller's image for Multi-Vendor
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Honest rating
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This add-on is an add-on for reviews in cs-cart. Its main features are:

  • Adds a rating to products (not displayed in the product card) and sorting by rating
  • Adds the ability to enable or disable the display of ratings for goods in the block.
  • Displays more detailed grade information.
Standard Product Photo for CS-Cart
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Google Rich Snippets Cs-Cart add-on
Google Rich Snippets
5.0 (2)
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It displays Rich Snippets for product details pages and regular pages in Google search results.

In stock/Out-of-stock alternative statuses
4.3 (3)
Replace the default In stock/Out-of-stock status with a custom image or messages on product detail page.
Wishlist Pro
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Email wishlist and show wishlist products block

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Create sets of products to be displayed together. Customer will see a few images of a certain product.
Campaign Monitor
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Campaign Monitor is the system of newsletters management. Campaign Monitor makes it easy for you to create, send, and optimize your email marketing campaigns.