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International Phone Number
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An Add-on integrated with CS-Cart for entering and validating international telephone numbers with country code. It adds a (searchable) country drop-down to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder number, formats the number as you type, and provides comprehensive validation methods.

Made In Country
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The add-on function helps you list the products manufactured by the country with the flag of each country. You can also filter the results by country or the country that manufactures the products in a separate link on the customer interface.

Pop-up Box Ad
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Popup Box help you sell more

If you have an e-commerce website you can display a new offer, a discount on a specific product, or a free shipping method through Pop Up Box.

TargetSMS: SMS notifications
5.0 (10)

The module "TargetSMS: SMS notifications" is intended for sending SMS text notifications to an administrator and buyers of online store.

Retargeting Biz - All-in-One marketing platform for your e-commerce
5.0 (3)

Retargeting helps online stores & eCommerce businesses worldwide grow through Automated Dynamic Ads with up to 50% better CPA, Campaigns that can generate a 15% increase in conversion rate and Onsite Recommendations that increase time-spent-on-site and average order value by up to 20%. We offer live support 24/7 directly on our website.

SMS Alert Order Notifications
SMS Alert
4.0 (3)
Verify orders with an OTP. Login/signup with OTP. Notify your customers about Account creation, Order placed, Order fulfilled, Order cancelled, Order refund and many more.
PIR.Company: SMS notifications
2.8 (3)

The module is designed for SMS alerts administrators and users of the internet shop.

Poptin: Pop Ups & Contact Us Forms
5.0 (4)

Easily create engaging website pop ups and forms and start converting more visitors into customers, leads and subscribers

Suggest Mobile App
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REES46. eCommerce Marketing Automation and Personalization Suite
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Everything an effective eCommerce marketer needs to attract new clients, turn visitors into customers, easily recover abandoned carts, reactivate and retain customers, and gain full control over online store growth.

Advance SMS Notifications
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Save 79%

Take your customer service to the next level with Vamika Ecommerce Solutions: Advance SMS Notifications. You can send a text notification to customers and Vendors/Sellers on new orders, orders status update, Customer registration, Seller Registration, Seller status update. You can choose different SMS gateways of your choice. You can create the dynamic SMS templates from the admin