PIR.Company: SMS notifications

The module is designed for SMS alerts administrators and users of the internet shop.

Reviews: 3

The module is designed for SMS alerts administrators and users of the internet shop.
Very flexible adjustment of sending messages, depending on the event that occurred. Setting up SMS notification templates.

PIR.Company: SMS notifications

The module is designed for SMS alerts administrators and users of the internet shop.

Functional notify administrators.
Handle events:
- Register a new user;
- The quantity of goods in stock is less than zero;
- Placed a new order;
- The order has been updated;
- To send, if the order exceeds a certain;
- Send, if you select one of the modes of delivery (Pickup, Russia by EMS mail, courier to the door, and more.)
- Send a message, depending on the order status (processed, completed, opened, and so on)
Also in the notification SMS administrators can add information about the payment and e-mail to the buyer.

Functional buyers notice.
Handle events:
- new order. Buyer automatically sends SMS if there was a phone number;
- The order has been updated;
- Send, if you select one of the modes of delivery (Pickup, Russia by EMS mail, courier to the door, and others.);
- Send a message, depending on the order status (processed, completed, opened, and so on);
- To send, if the order exceeds certain.

SMS-notifications, formed by configurable templates. You can use the following placeholders:
% ORDER_ID% is equal to the order number;
% NAME% is the user name;
% LAST_NAME% is equal to the last name;
% USER_EMAIL% equals E-Mail users;
% ORDER_TOTAL% is the sum of the order.

  • Store Builder
Compatible versions
  • 4.7.4
  • 4.6.3
  • 4.5.2
  • 4.4.3
  • 4.3.10
  • English
  • Русский
Дмитрий Филиппов
Добрый день, Алексей.

Сайт переехал, вот новая ссылка на модуль https://pir.company/integration/the-sms-notification-module-for-cs-cart/

Спасибо за бдительность!
Ссылка «получить модуль» приводит на 404 страницу. Поиском на сайте http://forsazhsms.ru (туда перебрасывает при попытке входа на сайт разработчика) слово «cs-cart» не найти вообще. Зачем это висит в маркетплейсе?
В целом модуль работает хорошо. главное выбрать правильную версию под вашу версию CS-Cart
Очень адекватная и быстрая тех поддержка.
Адекватные цены

минусов пока не нашел
Простой и удобный модуль для отправки смс. Понятный интерфейс как в админке, так и в личном кабинете. Оперативная тех поддержка. Пользуюсь с удовольствием))
The company "Incor-Development" in the market of SMS-services development in existence since 2010,

Contact information

Phone 8 (800) 500-13-86

The company "Incor-Development" in the market of SMS-services development in existence since 2010, providing high quality service to its customers by means of a private office, or on the protocols for integration with the platforms and databases of customer data. Our company provides coverage for more than 810 networks in 220 countries worldwide.

"Incor-Development" offers to take advantage of the SMS-mailing to quickly communicate with your customers.

The following services are the basis of the services provided:

  • sending SMS
  • receiving messages over short and federal numbers
  • mobile commerce (receiving funds from the award to 90%)
  • mobile advertising (mailing to databases of mobile operators with the ability to select specific criteria: gender, age, payment amount, the Geo (Megafon radius of up to 300 m diameter of the point)
  • WhatsApp - newsletter
  • Viber - newsletter

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