Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Orders Feedback
4.3 (6)
4347.83 Р
Send your customer email message and ask him leave a feedback about products he ordered.
Recent reviews
5.0 (3)
5235.14 Р
Add-on allows you to display the recent reviews on your storefront pages - homepage, category page and product page in a block
Retargeting Biz - All-in-One marketing platform for your e-commerce
5.0 (3)

Retargeting helps online stores & eCommerce businesses worldwide grow through Automated Dynamic Ads with up to 50% better CPA, Campaigns that can generate a 15% increase in conversion rate and Onsite Recommendations that increase time-spent-on-site and average order value by up to 20%. We offer live support 24/7 directly on our website.

Product options filters
5.0 (3)
5323.87 Р
  • Convert options to features.
  • Create filters.
Instagram Feed
5.0 (3)
3105.59 Р

This add-on allows to show Instagram posts by username or hashtag

Smartarget Whatsapp - Contact Us
5.0 (3)

Allow customers to contact you using Whatsapp

Cart Panel
5.0 (3)
1774.62 Р
shows all products added to the cart on the desktop version of the store.
Instagram stories for your store
5.0 (3)
6734.69 Р
Add beautiful stories to your store!
TikTok pixel
5.0 (3)
6654.84 Р
Abandoned Cart and Wishlist Reminder
4.7 (3)
4347.83 Р
Configure reminder notifications and send them to customers that left the items in their cart or wishlist and left the store.
The last supported version is CS-Cart 4.9.1. We do not plan to update this add-on. The functionality of the Abandoned cart and Wishlist reminder was extended and moved to Extended Email Marketing add-on.
Google structured data image
Google Structured Data
5.0 (2)
3478.26 Р
4347.83 Р
Save 20%

This add-on helps to attract new buyers to your shop while they are searching smth on the Internet with the help of Google Rich Snippets markup.