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Defective products?
Buyers often think about the quality of goods when choosing a product and they want to be sure there are no faults. A good store is always ready to provide such information and does not hide it. After all, neither the seller nor the buyers need returns under warranty.
Product quality add-on
That's why the "Product Quality" add-on was developed. This add-on allows you to provide information about defects and returns of goods in the storefront. And more specifically it shows it on the tab in the product card. You can also display statistics in the motivation block
The add-on also allows you to export accumulated statistics about returns and defective products. And it is collected taking into account the various reasons for returns.
Features of the add-on
- It shows the statistics directly in the product card
- Exports information about rejects and returns
- It integrates with the AB: Motivation Box add-on
- Store Builder
- Store Builder Ultimate
- Multi-Vendor
- Multi-Vendor Plus
- Multi-Vendor Ultimate
- 4.17.2.SP2
- 4.17.2.SP1
- 4.17.2
- 4.17.1
- 4.16.2
- 4.16.1
- 4.15.2
- 4.15.1.SP4
- 4.15.1.SP3
- 4.15.1.SP2
- 4.15.1.SP1
- 4.15.1
- 4.14.3.SP1
- 4.14.3
- 4.14.2.SP1
- 4.14.2
- 4.14.1.SP1
- 4.14.1
- 4.13.3
- 4.13.2.SP2
- 4.13.2.SP1
- 4.13.2
- 4.13.1
- 4.12.2
- 4.12.1
- English
- Русский
With make shop, your online presence is not just a website, it's a comprehensive, scalable platform that helps your business thrive in the digital era. We are not just developers. We are your e-commerce partners, turning your visions into reality.
Today, make shop is a dynamic company specialising in advanced e-commerce solutions. We do not limit ourselves to creating online stores alone. We believe in expanding possibilities.
The make shop team also designs custom add-ons, expanding website functionality to meet our clients' specific needs. Our commitment to innovation drives us to continually enhance and optimise the digital world of online shopping.
Our primary services include:
- Development of online stores and marketplaces
- Template and theme implementation
- Custom design development
- Custom solutions of any complexity
- SEO optimisation
- SEO maintenance
- Advertising setup
- Integration with third-party services
- Website maintenance and support
- Mobile app development
And much more, just email us at [email protected].
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