Готовый пакет DBS + FBS: Последняя миля или DBS – delivery by seller + Кросс-докинг или FBS - Fulfilment by Seller для CS-Cart Multi-Vendor

Reviews: 1
Last update: 31.05.2024 Supports current CS-Cart version
Готовый пакет DBS + FBS: Последняя миля или DBS – delivery by seller + Кросс-докинг или FBS - Fulfilment by Seller для CS-Cart Multi-Vendor

Ready package DBS + FBS: Last Mile or DBS – delivery by seller + Cross-docking or FBS - Fulfillment by Seller for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor

CS-Cart Multi-Vendor is one of the most popular and convenient Russian platforms for developing marketplaces. This is a very flexible tool that allows you to quickly and easily create the simplest marketplace.

We offer you a new set of modules, which is an addition to the CS-Cart Multi-Vendor core, allows you to precisely and precisely configure the marketplace to solve specific tasks. This package of modules is designed to work on two models of VDS and FBS.

The license for the CS-Cart Multi-Vendor platform + the Ozon Business Model module package is a ready–made business that will start making a profit in the shortest possible time.

The difference between the "Ready-made DBS + FBS package" and other solutions

This module package supports only two models of operation - Last Mile (DBS, Delivery by Seller, delivery from seller's warehouse) and Cross-docking (FBS, Fulfillment by Seller).

Four basic models of work

There are more than three hundred possible models of work, but all of them, in fact, are modifications or combinations of 4 main models, which we will describe below:

  • Packaging and delivery of the order by the seller (Last Mile or DBS – Delivery by Seller);
  • Packaging and delivery by the marketplace (Cross-docking or FBS - Fulfillment by Seller);
  • Packaging by the seller, delivery by the marketplace (Cross-docking Last mile FBS - Fulfillment by Seller Plus);
  • Storage of goods, packaging and delivery by the marketplace (Fulfillment - FBO - Fulfillment by Operator).

The marketplace can choose one of these models in any configuration. Our ecosystem, which complement each other, allows you to flexibly customize your marketplace for a variety of options, and to do it quickly and as conveniently as possible for all participants. And this applies not only to the sale of goods, but also services.

For details of the work on this model, see below. If you need more models of working with sellers, we can offer you two other packages of modules that support fewer and more business models of work:

"Quick Start "Last Mile or DBS – delivery by seller" for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor"

  • The last mile (DBS, Delivery by Seller, delivery from the seller's warehouse).

"Comprehensive solutions for creating a marketplace and working on the Ozon, Yandex.Market, SberMegaMarket, WildBerries, Aliexpress for CS-Cart Multi-Vendor."

  • Last Mile (DBS, Delivery by Seller, delivery from seller's warehouse);
  • Cross-docking (FBS, Fulfillment by Seller, fulfillment of the seller);
  • Last Mile Cross-docking (FBS, Fulfillment by Seller, fulfillment of seller);
  • Fulfillment (FBO, Fulfillment by Operator, fulfillment from operator, marketplace warehouse). 

Organization of the marketplace

In order for the marketplace to work and make a profit, it is important to think in detail about the entire chain from the registration of new sellers to the delivery of the order to the buyer. The marketplace should be convenient: an intuitive, clear administrative panel of the seller, with short prompts explaining what actions need to be performed and in what order.

To make the management of the marketplace as simple as possible, it is necessary to automate all processes, reduce human participation in them to a minimum. We consider these two tasks to be the main ones in the marketplace development process, and the main part of the modules in the package is designed to automate the management of the marketplace and reduce the cost of its maintenance.

Below we will give some examples of automation of processes related to e-commerce. Naturally, we will not describe all the functions and not all the tasks that our module package solves. It is almost impossible to fit a detailed, detailed description of all its features into one text. But you can always contact us and clarify what solutions to your problems our module package can offer.

Intuitive interface

In order for the marketplace to be unique and stand out from the competition, we offer the possibility of flexible menu settings. Make your menu logical, convenient for your business, meeting your needs.

You will be able to create your own menu, arranging its items and sub-items in such a way that it is as logical and functional as possible and corresponds to your business process as much as possible. This does not require any special skills from you, because you can move an item to the right place in the menu in just a few clicks.

When installing new modules from any developers, a few mouse movements will be enough for you to move the new functionality to the right place in the menu or change the name of a new item. 

Seller Registration

We have automated and simplified the registration process as much as possible, so as not to scare off the seller with complex procedures with a request for a huge amount of information necessary for the execution of a cooperation agreement.

At the registration stage, the seller enters only the information that is needed to create the seller's personal account. The seller enters all other data directly in his personal account, at any time convenient for him in a convenient format.

You can set up your personal account so that the seller gets access to the main functionality only after he enters all the necessary information about himself and his company, and after you check and confirm its authenticity.

The seller will be able to start selling his goods only after the conclusion of the contract and the transfer of the necessary information about the company for work. This will allow you to weed out unscrupulous sellers and scammers.

Creation of products, characteristics and content control

The next step is to create products and display them on the showcase. The product card tells the buyer about all the advantages of the product, its features and characteristics. It is she who encourages the buyer to make a choice in favor of a particular product.

Therefore, it is very important that the product card is as informative, attractive, and filled in as possible. In addition, it should contain important technical information, such as the dimensions and weight of the goods, which are used to calculate the cost of delivery.

Fullness of the product card

To ensure maximum information content of the product card, we have created a system that monitors whether the required fields are filled in: whether the image is uploaded, whether there is a description, whether the characteristics are specified, whether there are delivery parameters. And if any of these fields are not filled in, the product card simply will not get to the showcase.

The interface highlights the fields that are necessary to display the product on the showcase. The product itself is also highlighted in the list of products, and the reasons why it cannot get to the showcase are indicated: the characteristics are not filled in, the weight of the product is not specified, there is no image, and so on.

Moderation of products

And in order to ensure the correctness of filling out the product card, we have developed a convenient moderation system. Your employee will see all the information about the product at once. Accordingly, he will not miss the goods in the window, the description of which contains advertising information that is not related to the product and calls for going to the seller's website, content that violates the laws of the Russian Federation (pornography, incitement to ethnic hatred, drug addiction propaganda, etc.) and so on.

If the seller makes changes to an already verified product card, then he gets to moderation again. Your employee will see the list of changes, will be able to compare two versions of the product card and make sure that the product information has not been changed dramatically, for example, that the seller did not replace the last iPhone with a simple Samsung after the sale of the product.


Of particular importance for the presentation of the product to the buyer are the completed characteristics. They not only help the buyer choose a product that is ideally suited to his requirements, but also compare several products with each other, as well as find a product by a given characteristic using filters.

Convenient search increases conversion, increases the number of sales, makes your marketplace more understandable for customers.

Therefore, we pay special attention to working with characteristics. You can create characteristics for different product categories yourself, or allow sellers to create the characteristics they need themselves. After the seller creates the characteristics and assigns certain categories and values to them, you will have to make sure that the new characteristics are correct.

Identical characteristics are automatically grouped together. Combined characteristics are much easier to work with than with a huge number of similar characteristics of the same name. Moreover, you will be able to combine essentially the same characteristics even if their names do not match. For example, "Country of manufacture", "Country of manufacture", "Country of manufacture" and "Country".

The program will automatically clear excess duplicates from the database, reducing the load on it, and the marketplace will work quickly if there are a large number of products.

For example, you have a thousand sellers working with similar product categories. In this case, each seller will have its own characteristics, such as "Color", "Size", "Country" and so on. On average, about 30 characteristics each, and together it turns out 30 thousand. After combining and removing the extra ones, only 30 will remain, regardless of how many sellers there will be on the marketplace: a thousand or 50 thousand.

Ways to create product cards and characteristics

There are several ways to create products:

  • Manually;
  • Import of goods via CSV, XML, YML file;
  • Synchronization from 1C company's warehouse accounting programs, My Warehouse, My Business and others.

Below we will take a closer look at all these methods.

Manual creation of products and characteristics

In this case, the seller manually creates each product, prescribes a description, uploads an image, creates characteristics. Then the seller can automatically update the balances via a file or by synchronizing the website with the warehouse accounting program.

Import of goods

We have created for you a convenient self-learning import functionality that supports files in several formats: CSV, XML and YML.

The import will allow you to quickly configure the preset, compare the file fields and the product card fields and create new characteristics. This can be done in just a few seconds. Another significant advantage of our import is that once you set up the preset, in the future you can download new files from the same seller with the same structure without additional settings and rechecking.

This method allows you to quickly download a large number of new products or update the remnants of existing products.

Synchronization with 1C

The most convenient and reliable way to create goods and update balances is to synchronize the seller's personal account with his warehouse accounting program. It can be 1C or any other program that supports the CommersML protocol.

In this case, the creation of warehouses and new goods, updating of balances and prices in the context of the warehouse will occur automatically according to a pre-configured schedule. You do not need to perform any additional actions: upload a file, configure the import each time, and so on, the seller just needs to enter the username and password from his account and configure the unloading of goods on his side. 

Accepting payments

Holding (from English hold — hold) — storage of the volume of the performed operation (payment) by the bank on the bank card, which is waiting for calculation from the buyer.

We offer a convenient two-factor payment acceptance system that allows you to secure both buyers and sellers, simplify work with refunds and reporting, work on different relationship schemes. Our module automatically transmits to the tax information about the completion of the transaction according to the "Bought-sold" scheme or according to the agency scheme: in this case, the seller pays VAT for his goods, and the marketplace receives a commission, and pays tax only on this amount.  

At the moment when the buyer pays for the purchase on the website, the money is not credited to the marketplace account, but is frozen on the buyer's account, and he can no longer dispose of them. This means that the transaction has not been completed yet. This money is not taken into account as your income in the tax, you do not pay for acquiring, and this is 2-3% of the order amount.

When the seller confirms the availability of all the goods from the order, the money is unfrozen and credited to the marketplace account.

If the seller does not have one or more products available, then two options are possible, depending on the settings:

  • The missing goods are removed from the order, the money is partially returned to the buyer for the missing goods, partially for the goods that are in stock, transferred to the marketplace account.
  • If at least one product from the order is out of stock, then the entire order is canceled, the money is returned to the buyer's account.

If you do not use holding, then it is you who pay for acquiring from the amount that has been credited to your account: more than a dozen or even a hundred such cancellations and adjustments of orders can be accumulated in a month. And each time you will have to pay for acquiring 2-3% of the entire order amount, and then also bother with a refund for missing goods.

The first model "Last Mile or DBS – delivery by seller"

With this model, the seller delivers the goods to the buyer himself or transfers orders for delivery to the buyer to third-party transport companies. In marketplaces, as a rule, this model is called DBS – delivery by seller.

The seller receives information about the order: the list of goods, the delivery address. Based on this information, warehouse employees collect goods, confirm their availability in their personal account, and pack the goods.

We have developed a single, convenient and intuitive interface for packaging orders. It is very similar for all models of work, so we will describe it in detail only in this block, and below we will only give differences in packaging for other models of work.

In the interface, the seller sees a list of assembly orders indicating the date of receipt, deadline and packaging stage.

Inside the assembly order, the vendor works with a list of products that need to be packed.

In the tabs, the seller can enter information about the collected goods for the order:

  • Adding a package in which the seller will collect the goods;
  • Creating a template for packaging so as not to create boxes every time;
  • Adding goods to boxes;
  • Creating a separate cargo space for goods, not requiring repackaging;
  • Mass editing of already assembled boxes;
  • Uploading a file for mass editing via a table;
  • Uploading edited or collected orders via a file;
  • Making a batch of orders for transfer to a transport company;
  • Downloading address labels for ordering;
  • Downloading address labels for the batch;
  • Downloading the attachment registry;
  • Downloading the accompanying documents for transfer to the transport company;
  • Integration with warehouse accounting programs: the warehouse employee works in a familiar interface for himself, the information is uploaded to his personal account. The exchange takes place via the API(the functionality is currently in development).

The term "Cargo place" is used for goods that do not require repacking, it is enough to stick an address label and transfer it to the transport. For such goods, "Cargo spaces" can be created automatically when forming an assembly order, if there is a corresponding setting in the product settings.

When adding a packaging template, the interface is automatically checked with the settings of the selected tariff of the transport company, and leaves available only those box templates that meet the requirements of the tariff. This means that the warehouse employee will not make a mistake when choosing the packaging, and the application to the transport company will pass the first time without errors.

After completing the assembly of the order, the seller makes the marking of the "Honest Mark" in the section of boxes or cargo space for those goods that are subject to labeling.

After delivery of the order to the buyer, a closing receipt will be generated. At the same time, information about the transaction is transmitted to the tax service through the OFD, and the identifier of the goods is transmitted to the "Honest Sign" for registration of the departure from the turnover of a unit of goods. All information is transmitted to the appropriate authorities automatically.

Upon completion of the packaging, the seller will be able to download and print the stickers and accompanying documents that must be attached to the order.

Order assembly formation is possible in three ways:

  • Manually in the order assembly interface;
  • Massively via CSV file for those who are used to working with tables;
  • Via API(functionality is currently in development).

After completing the assembly of the order, the seller transfers it to the transport company, which delivers it to the final addressee.

Cross-docking or FBS - Fulfillment by Seller

The seller receives information about which goods were purchased during the reporting period, collects them in boxes and brings them on his own the next day or transfers them to the transport company for delivery to the marketplace warehouse. At the same time, he does not receive any information about the buyer, only a list of goods is transmitted to him.

In the assembly interface, orders for the current day are formed in one batch. The seller must pack all the goods in a batch before closing it and transferring it to the transport company for delivery to the marketplace warehouse. Otherwise, the order assembly interface in is similar to the order assembly interface in "Last Mile or DBS – delivery by seller".

Marketplace employees take goods to the warehouse, and then complete orders from newly arrived goods stored in the warehouse and/or goods from other suppliers. After completing the picking and packing of orders, the employees prepare the accompanying documents, supply the orders with address labels and transfer the orders to the transport company for delivery to the final buyer.

This work model is convenient for trading low-turnover goods. It is more profitable to store them in the seller's warehouse, which should be located within a radius of 50 km from the marketplace warehouse. In case of purchase of such goods, the seller quickly prepares them and delivers them to the warehouse of the marketplace, where the employees of the marketplace pack it for delivery to the final buyer along with other, more wrapped goods.

For large marketplaces, such as Ozone, this model is called FBS - Fulfillment by Seller.

Delivery of orders to the buyer

After the seller or the employees of the marketplace warehouse have packed the order and prepared the accompanying documents, the order must be transferred to the transport company or independently delivered by the seller to the buyer.

We have created a tool that allows you to integrate more than 40 transport companies into the marketplace. At the same time, both the marketplace itself and the seller can conclude a contract with the transport company directly. In any case, the employee will be able to place an order and track delivery from the marketplace interface.

Delivery of goods on behalf of the marketplace

In this case, the marketplace delivers the goods on its own behalf. Accordingly, the contract with transport companies is concluded on behalf of the marketplace. This allows you to save on delivery, because the higher the turnover, the lower the price for delivery, both for sellers and buyers.

The marketplace receives an order from the buyer and money, both for the product itself and for its delivery to the specified address. Then, if the seller's goods are stored in the marketplace warehouse, the warehouse employees pack the order and transfer it to the courier of the transport company.

If the goods are stored in the seller's warehouse, he packs the order himself, brings it to the order acceptance point and delivers it to the transport company on behalf of the marketplace.

In this case, delivery management is completely carried out on the side of the marketplace. If the buyer does not pick up his order from the PVZ, they are returned to the warehouse under the marketplace agreement.

Delivery of goods on behalf of the seller

In some cases, in order to avoid conflict situations due to incorrectly calculated shipping costs, the marketplace offers sellers a different scheme of work: they themselves, directly conclude contracts with the transport company and pay for the delivery themselves, making it free for the buyer. As a bonus in this case, the marketplace offers sellers more favorable terms of cooperation.

Problems with calculating the cost of delivery often arise due to the fact that the weight and dimensions of the goods are not correctly filled in in the product card. As a result, it is almost impossible to correctly make a preliminary calculation of the cost of delivery to the buyer. You can take the minimum amount from the buyer, for example, for 300 grams, and it's good if the real weight is not too much more. And if the product really weighs 4.5 kg? The profit from the sale will not cover the costs. 

In the case of delivery on behalf of and at the expense of the seller, the cost of delivery is calculated directly when making an application to the transport company based on the parameters of already packed boxes. This eliminates errors, unnecessary paperwork, calculations/ offsets of delivery costs between the marketplace, the seller and the buyer. The buyer receives "Free" delivery, which encourages him to return to the same seller again, which in turn increases the conversion rate.

The delivery chain in this case looks like this:

  • The buyer places an order, and the delivery is free for him,
  • The seller uploads information about the order packaging,
  • The order information is transmitted to the transport company,
  • The transport company registers the order,
  • The seller prepares the orders, prints out the accompanying documents and transfer the boxes to the transport company,
  • The seller tracks the path of the parcel in real time on the marketplace website according to the statuses transmitted by the transport company. For example, accepted into the delivery service, delivered to the pick-up point, handed over to the buyer,
  • If there is a two-factor payment on the site, with funds frozen on the buyer's account, then at the time of transfer of the goods to the transport company, the money on the buyer's account will be unfrozen and transferred to the marketplace account, at the time of delivery of the goods to the buyer, a check will be knocked out,
  • The goods not redeemed in the PVZ will be returned to the seller's warehouse, and the money will be returned to the buyer,
  • The delivery is paid by the seller of the transport company under his contract.

Delivery of the order to the buyer and completion of the transaction

The courier hands the buyer his order or the buyer independently takes it to the PVZ, after which the closing receipt is automatically knocked out, and with it information about the sale through the OFD gets into the "Tax" and "Honest sign".

Marking "Honest mark"

"Honest sign" takes into account three participants of online commerce: the manufacturer, the seller and the marketplace. The marketplace is registered in an honest sign as an agent and withdraws goods from circulation through EDO. Read the details on the website"Honest sign"

We have already solved all the problems associated with this innovation. The seller starts the goods, collects the packaging, passes the "Honest Mark" marking to the marketplace in the context of each unit of goods, the code is automatically sent via the OFD channel after the buyer receives the goods in his hands, that is, at the time of the courier service's report on the delivery of the goods. 

In case of return, the product is returned to the Fair Sign turnover through the OFD automatically and it can be sold again.

Start earning on online trading now

Our package of modules allows you to open a new, convenient and profitable marketplace within 3-4 months, which solves almost any tasks that may arise for the owner of the marketplace at any stage of development or development of the platform.

Compatibility with CS-Cart products

  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Plus RUS 
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Ultimate
  • CS-Cart Multi-Vendor RUS Ultimate

Please note: the CS-Cart license is not included in our module package, it must be purchased separately. Our package is a convenient add–on that is installed on the CS-Cart platform, making it more flexible and functional.


Other models for creating a marketplace

There are many other models for creating a marketplace, including on the basis of an existing online store. We can offer 4 bright and interesting models for creating a marketplace:

  • To probe the market before expanding the product range;
  • To promote the brand in new territories;
  • creation and sale of a franchise while maintaining control over sales;
  • on the basis of a shopping center.

Product range expansion

Before buying goods with your own money, the store can attract sellers who are already selling a similar product and see how well their trade will go. This will allow you to assess the risks and decide how profitable it is to expand the assortment at the expense of this particular product.

Brand promotion in new territories

The marketplace is easier to promote due to a large assortment of goods. The online store can take advantage of this opportunity by entering new territories. Customers get acquainted with the brand, gain confidence in it, recommend it to friends. Later, the owner can only introduce his own products into the assortment and make a profit not only from the commission for using the marketplace, but also from the sale of his own goods.

At the same time, if sales of a new product do not go, the marketplace does not lose anything.

Payment type
One-time payment
  • Store Builder
  • Store Builder Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Compatible versions
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.17.2.SP3
  • 4.17.2.SP2
  • 4.17.2.SP1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.15.1.SP4
  • 4.15.1.SP3
  • 4.15.1.SP2
  • 4.15.1.SP1
  • 4.15.1
  • English
  • Русский
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Our Maurisweb web studio is engaged in the development of automated online stores and marketplaces,

Contact information

Phone +79233649007

Our Maurisweb web studio is engaged in the development of automated online stores and marketplaces, as well as individual modules. We have been working since 2014, and during this time we have created more than 300 modules for the CS-Cart and CS-Cart Multi-Vendor platform. 

For you, we have developed packages of modules and services for the development of online stores and marketplaces in the all-inclusive format: MWP - DBS in 15 days, eCommerce DBS in 30 days and FBO, FBO+, DBS, FBS in 90 days. 

We offer a simple communication format: you tell us what you want to get, we offer a solution. At the exit, you get a ready-made turnkey project. We pay special attention to the implementation of logistics and WMS systems and filling the site with content.

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