Recently Purchased Products Add-On For CS Cart

Отзывов: 1
8163.27 Р
Recently Purchased Products Add-On For CS Cart
8163.27 Р

Instill confidence and trust in your potential customers by using our "Recently Purchased Products" pop-up add-on.

The add-on will show a little pop-up showing what other customers recently purchased. This has a double benefit, it will show people that your website is frequented and other people also purchasing from you and at the same time it may also give suggestions what other people purchased and customers can click on the link to view the item.

The add-on comes with several configuration options:

• You can specify whether to show the location (suburb) of the customer
• You can specify whether to show when the item was purchased for instance five minutes ago, two days ago.
• You can specify which orders to show by minute, hour or day.
• You can specify where the pop-up should appear
• You can specify how long the pop-up is displayed
• You can specify the interval between pop-ups

The addon comes with free installation and 12month support and updates

Hi Shane,

Thank you for your feedback. We will definitely work on improving our add-on.
The add-on has a lot of potential, but has some core functionality issues.
It says you can put the display anywhere, but really you can only place it in one of four corners.
If you put the range of dates too long, the add-on fails and simply doesn't work.
There's no options to change the wording in case you want something different.
You can't change the colours, the font size or the font.
You can't change the size of the display, it's at one fixed size.
It uses ioncube protection so theres no option to install it yourself and you need to have it installed for you

And because of the ioncube you can't make changes to the code to fix the issues.

All in all, the add-on is a good idea, but it really needs some simple improvements that should have been there in the first place.

I'm a big fan of 4sprungs addons and I usually find them all to be well built and we'll thought out.
I believe that they made this add-on for a customer and then decided to release it.
The issue is that it still maintains the same display properties as the original with no thought going into the fact that people may have different layouts that require the add-on to be displayed in different ways or with different fonts or colours to suit their own designs.

The add-on itself is a good idea, I just think they have missed out on a few simple changes that could have made the add-on suitable for everyone. Not just one website.

High Quality CS-Cart Development, Customisation, Add-On development, Responsive Template Design and Implementation with over 20.000h of CS Cart experience.

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Телефон +612 8011 4429

High Quality CS-Cart Development, Customisation, Add-On development, Responsive Template Design and Implementation with over 20.000h of CS Cart experience.

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