SEO pages for filters

Get search traffic to any filter pages
Reviews: 12
Last update: 17.02.2025 Supports current CS-Cart version
SEO pages for filters

This add-on is included in SEO addons (all in one package, 10+ addons) (goes free for SEO package owners) It covers all tasks from SEOs to CS-Cart stores and Multi-Vendor marketplaces.

Add-on allows you to optimize pages of the Category + Filter/combination of filters for search engines

The principles of operation of the "SEO pages for filters"?

You will be able to create pages open for indexing with manageable SEO attributes for intersections category + filter (one or more selected options for product characteristics). Your pages and their attributes will be relevant to the selected search queries.

What benefits you will have from "SEO pages for filters":

  • will be able to create pages open for indexing with managed SEO attributes for intersections category + filter (one or several selected options for product characteristics) and adds full links to such pages in the filter block;
  • will be able to create rules with templates (meta tags and other attributes) for automatic controlled generation of SEO pages for filters;
  • will be able to create SEO pages for filters in manual mode based on the category + features_hash of the page of any filter;
  • will be able to set the status of SEO pages for filters, using which the page can be processed by different logic when regenerating automatically according to the rule;
  • will be able to edit the SEO attributes of each SEO page for filters;
  • will be able to create a sitemap of the generated SEO pages for filters;
  • will be able to add links of SEO pages for filters to product breadcrumbs;
  • will be able to track deletions (changes) of SEO pages for filters and optionally create redirects for such cases;
  • will be able to optionally add a trailing slash for SEO pages for filters;
  • will be able to redirect the user with a 301 redirect to the SEO page category when going to a deleted SEO page;
  • will be able to insert the block "Products with similar characteristics" on the SEO-page for filters, for which there are temporarily no products;
  • will be able to insert links to SEO pages for product characteristics options on the product page in the Features tab, if the corresponding characteristics options form an SEO page together with the main product category;
  • will be able to hide descriptions on filter pages for which SEO pages have not been created;
  • will be able to export-import SEO pages for filters;
  • will be able to set the selected pages to Hidden, which will exclude the page during subsequent regenerations (for working with keywords for which there is no frequency of requests) and exclude them from the search index (limit indexing);
  • will be able to display the specified SEO pages in the subcategory block on the category page (additional clickability of the required pages and the transfer of weight from the category);
  • will be able to hide the subcategory block with any selected filter (usability improvement of the standard platform behavior);
  • will be able to set auto-substitution templates for page attributes: page h1 tag, page title, page description meta tag, page keywords meta tag, page breadcrumbs, product breadcrumbs;
  • will be able to set templates for SEO links when generating SEO pages. There are three SEO link templates available:
    • variation name
    • feature name + variant name
    • filter name + variant name

Integration with other add-ons:

Compatibility with themes

Get better speed and search optimization! Use mechanics of the largest ecommerce market players together with ready-made solutions from the AB developers team!

  • Store Builder
  • Store Builder Plus
  • Store Builder Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Compatible versions
  • 4.18.3
  • 4.18.2.SP1
  • 4.18.2
  • 4.18.1.SP1
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.17.2.SP3
  • 4.17.2.SP2
  • 4.17.2.SP1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.15.1.SP4
  • 4.15.1.SP3
  • 4.15.1.SP2
  • 4.15.1.SP1
  • 4.15.1
  • 4.14.3
  • 4.14.2.SP1
  • 4.14.2
  • 4.14.1.SP1
  • 4.14.1
  • 4.13.3
  • 4.13.2.SP2
  • 4.13.2.SP1
  • 4.13.2
  • 4.13.1
  • 4.12.2
  • 4.12.1
  • 4.11.5
  • 4.11.4
  • 4.11.3
  • 4.11.2
  • 4.11.1
  • 4.10.4.SP1
  • 4.10.4
  • 4.10.3
  • 4.10.2
  • 4.10.1
  • 4.9.3
  • 4.9.2
  • 4.9.1
  • 4.8.2
  • 4.7.4
  • 4.6.3
  • 4.5.2
  • 4.4.3
  • 4.3.10
  • English
  • Украинский
  • Русский
С большим удовольствием пишу отзыв: модуль великолепен. Очень жалею, что медлил с покупкой и рекомендую моих ошибок не повторять. С начала приобретения прошло около месяца - ни одной значительной ошибки не обнаружил за это время, а малозначительные фактически никаких неудобств не создают. Уже есть первые результаты в органике и продажи с посадочных. Огромное преимущество - возможность менять ассортимент и "раскладку" на посадочных, что затруднительно сделать при продвижении категорий/брендов.

Установка и обновление очень простые. В моем случае была индивидуальная особенность, но ответ на обращение получил в течение часа. Покупка и использование модуля - это самый приятный опыт подобного приобретения за последние годы. Спасибо авторам и особенно благодарю за дельные обновления: всерьез и с опережением "хотелок".
Купил модуль, настраиваю. Давно получал рекомендации SEO сделать под запросы релевантные страницы, наконец-то сделаю. Разработчики помогли с проблемами при установке (php модуль нужно было поставить, права на папку были некорректные), спасибо им. В общем рекомендую к покупке.
В следующем релизе хочется увидеть возможность скрывать часть описания категории- наподобие как сделано в вашем модуле "Cкрыть часть описания товара до определенной высоты».
Alexbranding is an independent team of ready-made solutions for CS-Cart stores and Multi-Vendor

Contact information

Phone +380997371418

Alexbranding is an independent team of ready-made solutions for CS-Cart stores and Multi-Vendor based marketplaces. Our experience (in the ecommerce development market since 2008, for CS-Cart platform - since 2011) allows us to offer solutions that will save you months of development and thousands of dollars in budget. Themes and add-ons for CS-Cart from Alexbranding are installed and can be updated without the involvement of third-party developers directly by entrepreneurs (in a few clicks), owners of the online store.

All AB team solutions are designed to meet the latest design trends, adaptability across devices, technology, SEO and usability. We are constantly updating our modules and themes: for the entire time they are used, users receive several times more value than at the time of purchase. Ready-made solutions from Alexbranding are the most effective way to achieve technological readiness for work in ecommerce: your competitors will spend years of work and tens of thousands of dollars to achieve the same level of functionality.

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