
Premium customizable CS-Cart theme complex
Reviews: 57
Last update: 21.09.2023 Supports current CS-Cart version
22172.75 Р

UniTheme2 is a template and add-ons for the CS-Cart (all editions) and CS-Cart MultiVendor (all editions) 4.10.1 - 4.18.1. The embodiment of the modern classic presentation of an online store, the appearance and functionality of which will suit any business topic.

Technically, UniTheme2 is a child theme of the CS-Cart Responsive base theme. It fully uses its logic and files, redefining, supplementing and expanding in the necessary places with its logic and appearance. When developing the theme, the standard CS-Cart development paradigm was used, which can be found in the platform documentation (you should always use it when extending or customizing the theme).

The current version has an index "2", since this is the second generation of the theme, completely rewritten from scratch, taking into account the latest design trends, development flexibility and speed requirements from search engines

Contents of package

  1. UniTheme2 add-on (carrier of theme files, layouts of its styles and related functionality);
  2. Multi-Vendor add-on (only when ordering a theme version for Multi-Vendor);
  3. Banners for categories add-on - allows you to place an advertising banner in the position of one of the products from the list and flexibly manage the display of such banners
  4. Motivation block add-on - adds a new block to the product card, with customizable content elements, the purpose of which is to motivate the user to make a purchase
  5. Fast navigation add-on - adds an extra navigation block to any sections of the store (including custom links) without being rigidly linked to the store structure (based on custom menus with the desired structure). Thanks to the sophisticated capabilities of the interface for PC and mobile devices, the depth of site views will be much higher, the buyer is guaranteed to find the desired product in the right section and make a purchase
  6. Video gallery of the product add-on - adds the ability to place videos from YouTube, Vimeo and other services among the mini-icons of the photo gallery in the product card with the ability to play them in a pop-up window or in the display area of the product photo
  7. "Scroll to top" button add-on - allows you to solve the problem of returning to the top of the page when working on pages with large amounts of data (content)
  8. Search motivation add-on - allows you to display phrases in the search field with a simulation of a human set, it is possible to manage phrases at the category level + a common set of phrases for the entire site
  9. Landing categories/pages add-on - allows you to create landing pages for category pages and create a store catalog page with all available structure, which improves usability and SEO
  10. Hide the part of the content to needed height add-on - allows you to hide part of the product description (if it is larger than the size set by the settings) and add the "Show more" link, by clicking on which the full description of the product will be expanded
  11. Extended promotions add-on - expands the functionality of working with promotions, allowing you to use all modern methods of influencing users of an online store in order to increase sales: a countdown counter, announcements of promotions, current, upcoming, past promotions and much more
  12. Stickers add-on - the most technologically advanced implementation of the functionality of stickers for products that will not harm SEO, will not worsen page load indicators, will improve behavioral factors and user engagement
  13. Advanced image previewers - adds previewers for product images, optimized for user friendliness and increased conversion rates of product pages. The functionality of the add-on is implemented using the PhotoSwipe JS library, which is distributed free of charge

Extra functionality included in the theme

In addition to the add-ons included in the package, a number of functionality is implemented in the main add-on of the theme and directly in the page output templates:

  • microdata markup;
  • AJAX loading of products in lists (lazy pagination);
  • settings for the output (not display) of blocks separately for mobile devices and PCs;
  • settings for displaying (not displaying) functional elements for mobile devices and PCs on the pages of lists and product cards;
  • constructor (designer) of advanced banners;
  • functional mega-menu (with support for icons, labels, banners and display settings);
  • extra light menu (expected in the next updates);
  • sticky navigation bar (optional);
  • counter of the number of reviews for products (in tabs and other places);
  • optional identification of the presence of a product in the user's basket (attracting attention);
  • displaying the status of activated filters (with the possibility of selective deactivation);
  • block of the tree of categories and subcategories on the category page;
  • functionality of a tab from blocks;
  • extra block recent blog posts;
  • extra blog design template;
  • extra functionality and opportunities for the Brand;
  • extra output of the "Combinations of goods" block on the product page;
  • extra output of color dots for available product variations in the list;
  • extra functionality for the mobile version (sticky block with the Buy button and Call filters);
  • five foreseen store layout options (block layouts);
  • 20 included color schemes (+ support for a native color editor);
  • support for two standard CS-Cart product detail page display templates (Big picture and Standard template) plus adding an extra AB template: Three-column;
  • functionality of displaying any block in the product card (in the upper part) bypassing the layout system;
  • ability to control the display location of the category description (above the product block or below);
  • extra control over the style of the store without the need to change the code;
  • NEW!!! Enhanced interface for variations for PC and mobile users;
  • NEW!!! Sticky menu with functional buttons at the bottom for the mobile version (the responsive version is now so close as possible to the mobile application);
  • NEW!!! Menu designer (fly menu) from blocks (more in video);
  • NEW!!! Enhanced Checkout page with improved conversion rate (more in video);

Additional add-ons packages

In addition, specially for the theme, additional add-ons packages have been developed that solve the problems of SEO, Cross- and up-sell (increasing receipts), Internet marketing, increasing store conversion and page loading speed (Speed-Up). These packages can be purchased separately (not included in the basic package):

No add-ons conflicts, everything works together, updates without problems via the CS-Cart update center at the click of a button!

Step-by-step installation video

Demo Sites

CS-Cart - https://unitheme.net/


CS-Cart Multi-Vendor - https://mv.unitheme.net/


Thematic examples of using UniTheme2 for Cs-Cart Multi-Vendor (for example)

Electronics - https://electronics.mv.unitheme.net/


Clothing and shoes (fashion) - https://apparel.mv.unitheme.net/


Food - https://food.mv.unitheme.net/


Household products - https://home.mv.unitheme.net/


Pharma - https://pharma.mv.unitheme.net/


Digital Soft - https://digital.mv.unitheme.net/


Payment type
One-time payment
  • Store Builder
  • Store Builder Plus
  • Store Builder Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Compatible versions
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.17.2.SP3
  • 4.17.2.SP2
  • 4.17.2.SP1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.15.1.SP4
  • 4.15.1.SP3
  • 4.15.1.SP2
  • 4.15.1.SP1
  • 4.15.1
  • 4.14.3
  • 4.14.2.SP1
  • 4.14.2
  • 4.14.1.SP1
  • 4.14.1
  • 4.13.3
  • 4.13.2.SP2
  • 4.13.2.SP1
  • 4.13.2
  • 4.13.1
  • 4.12.2
  • 4.12.1
  • 4.11.5
  • 4.11.4
  • 4.11.3
  • 4.11.2
  • 4.11.1
  • 4.10.4.SP1
  • 4.10.4
  • 4.10.3
  • 4.10.2
  • 4.10.1
  • English
  • Украинский
  • Русский
We are very happy with the AlexBranding Unitheme. It was very simple to install, it works and looks great. The extra addons makes the cs-cart much better and more user friendly. For example the Advanced banner management helps us save a lot of time making good looking banners without photoshop.
Alex and his team har also been great and responsive with regard to support. They have also helped us in reinstalling and tuning our cs-cart server, so that is runs much faster than before. We are very happy and recommend this theme to anyone who would like a professional looking webshop that is userfriendly for both customer and store owner. Thank you AlexBranding.
Пожалуй лучшая оценка темы это то, что у нас реально увеличились продажи! Клиент отмечают современный дизайн, это радует. Отдельно бы отметил разработчиков, ребята реально очень внимательно относятся к пожеланиям, это дорого стоит! Жду новых обновлений темы.
Ну, что тут сказать - это лучшее решение на данный момент!
Долго смотрел в сторону ВиваШоп, но остановил свой выбор на UniTheme и не жалею нисколько!
За вас уже все продумали, дополнили крутыми, БЕСПЛАТНЫМИ модулями, и с каждым обновлением продолжают удивлять!
Есть отдельная тема на форуме, в которой оперативно отвечают на вопросы и предложения.
P.S. Вообще считаю компанию АБ, лучшей среди разработчиков для cs cart на сегодняшний момент.
Ни один модуль не бросают а только развивают + выпускают новые.
А то многие выпустят и сидят ждут бабла...
Так держать ребята!!! И спасибо что вы есть! )
Happy with the purchase of this theme and will be getting a second license.
It's simple, elegant & easy to the eyes but also very logical in the backend.
Most importantly, support is fast and helpful!
Updates are also done in a timely manner.
I hope for a better instruction / user guide though.
I highly recommend this products & will try other products from Alexbranding.
I hesitate a lot before buying the theme because i found it little expensive, but i finally bought it and regret to not have bought at beginning. Trying other theme that didn't done all what i was expecting cost me more... It is worth the price. This theme simply do exactly what i was disappointed about other theme. As for instructions, i can't say about it, i paid for installation, I didn't want to loose time on installation. The response was extremely fast. I had only ONE PROBLEM in my situation, the currency and language was not displaying on mobile, it as automatic detecting, I needed to let clients decide the currency and language (USD/CAD; French/English) especially since i have client paying in both currency (yes, even in the same country). That PROBLEM WAS SOLVED the same day by customer service. As for my experience, i give a 5 stars for the theme and even on the customer service. Let see with update if things goes as good as it is up to now.
Понял что это лучшее решение, есть с чем сравнить (покупал другие шаблоны, пробовал бесплатные).
Все детально проработано(проделана очень большая работа) , много дополнительных нужных модулей и техподдержка на высоте!
Эта тема стоит своих денег!
Санта Камчатка
Плюсов очевидно больше чем минусов, Очевидно что дизайн, в частности тот лоск который присутствует, играет на покупательскую лояльность. Самое главное предостережение тех кто будет планировать переезд. Это ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО УЧЕСТЬ совместимость со всеми установленными модулями, особенно сторонними. У нас повело даже стандартный модуль SEO что конечно не смертельно, но неприятно, когда ссылки изменились. Оперативность работы команды в принципе адекватная. Рекомендуем к сотрудничеству.
If you run an online business and sell physical products or just software but perhaps a specially physical products you want a theme that is both very attractive, work excellent on mobile and desktop. Look professional and are customizable. If design work is not really you forté and or low on budget you might end up with a mediocre design.

Not the case with UniTheme. If you are not likely to spent money on a very unique design which at least cost you 500 euro or more like starting from 1000 euro you are very well off with this theme.
Отличная тема, считаю ее лучшим решением для CS-Cart. Видна грамотная работа разработчиков и уделение внимания мелочам. В комплект темы входят полезные модули, на закупку либо разработку которых ушло бы больше средств. Поддержка тоже на уровне. Так же радует «живая» ветка на форуме и постоянное улучшение темы с добавлением новых фишек.

In my opinion, this template is best solution for CS-Cart. It is evident that the developers have paid attention to details. The theme package includes useful modules for the purchase or development of which would take more money. Support team is good and there is “alive” branch on the forum and the constant improvement of the theme with the addition of new features.
Отличная тема!

Радует глаз, как ваш, так и покупателей. И что самое главное, в совокупности с бесплатными модулями - дает много полезных для ИМ возможностей.
Тех поддержка тоже на уровне, умеют и проблемы решать, и с пользователями общаться!

Alexbranding is an independent team of ready-made solutions for CS-Cart stores and Multi-Vendor

Contact information

Phone +380997371418

Alexbranding is an independent team of ready-made solutions for CS-Cart stores and Multi-Vendor based marketplaces. Our experience (in the ecommerce development market since 2008, for CS-Cart platform - since 2011) allows us to offer solutions that will save you months of development and thousands of dollars in budget. Themes and add-ons for CS-Cart from Alexbranding are installed and can be updated without the involvement of third-party developers directly by entrepreneurs (in a few clicks), owners of the online store.

All AB team solutions are designed to meet the latest design trends, adaptability across devices, technology, SEO and usability. We are constantly updating our modules and themes: for the entire time they are used, users receive several times more value than at the time of purchase. Ready-made solutions from Alexbranding are the most effective way to achieve technological readiness for work in ecommerce: your competitors will spend years of work and tens of thousands of dollars to achieve the same level of functionality.

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