Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Iyzico Multi-Vendor Payment Gateway
4.7 (3)
6528.93 Р
CS-Cart Iyzico Multi-Vendor Payment Gateway effortlessly splits payment among vendors and admin. It automatically calculates & splits the amount.
Terms and Conditions
4.7 (3)
Showing terms of using a store, which user has to accept on specifying personal info (email, phone number, etc.).
Facebook Catalog Feed (Facebook Store) + Instagram Feed
4.7 (3)
5727.27 Р
8181.82 Р
Save 30%
The plugin makes it possible to create dynamic advertising on Facebook for the promotion of online store products using data feed.
Upload your product data and let millions of shoppers see your online and in-store inventory. Edit it whenever you want, so shoppers always see the right information in your ads.
The plugin allows you to create and quickly adjust a large number of advertisements depending on the presence or absence of certain goods in stock (showing only current ads).
Currency exchange rates sync
4.7 (3)
3305.79 Р
  • Light and easy.
  • No 3rd party services needed.
Help Center for customers
4.7 (3)
3966.94 Р
7355.37 Р
Save 46%
A powerful tool designed to empower store administrators with the ability to create a comprehensive self-help documentation (knowledge base) section directly on the website.
Automatic Cart Recalculate
3.3 (6)
Automatically recalculates the cart's total cost with AJAX, with no need to click the "Recalculate" button. Now you can simply enter the number of products or change options, and all the prices will be recalculated automatically.
Google structured data image
Google Structured Data
5.0 (2)
3239.67 Р
4049.59 Р
Save 20%

This add-on helps to attract new buyers to your shop while they are searching smth on the Internet with the help of Google Rich Snippets markup.

Google Rich Snippets Cs-Cart add-on
Google Rich Snippets
5.0 (2)
6528.93 Р
8181.82 Р
Save 20%

It displays Rich Snippets for product details pages and regular pages in Google search results.

Product Price Calculator
5.0 (2)
13140.50 Р
16446.28 Р
Save 20%
Adds a calculator functionality allowing customers calculate the exact price immediately on product page by typing the required custom product sizes.
Order status sms notifications
5.0 (2)
3223.14 Р
5702.48 Р
Save 43%
Keep customers up-to-date about the current order status!
On sale products page
5.0 (2)
4049.59 Р

Automatically turn any category into on sale products category

CS-Cart add-on  referral marketing
Referral Marketing
5.0 (2)
3719.01 Р

This module allows the store administrators to reward the referrers who invited new customers.

Mass Order Status Update
5.0 (2)
2479.34 Р
Saves the administrator time on changing the status of several selected orders in one click.
cs-cart add-on products in newsletter
Products In Newsletters
5.0 (2)
4545.45 Р

This module allows to show products in newsletters in a grid format

cs-cart add-on all reviews page
All Reviews Page
5.0 (2)
1570.25 Р

This module allows to add a special page with all reviews and a block with reviews to the block manager

CS-Cart add-on Vendors' meta data
Vendor's Meta Data
5.0 (2)

This module allows the store administrators and vendors to specify Page title, Meta description and Meta keywords for vendors