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FAQ addon (questions and answers)
5.0 (5)
Add questions and answers, group them. Place a block with questions and answers on any page of the site. Customize the look.
WebP Images
4.8 (6)
Improvement of your online store performance by converting its images to the modern WebP format without quality loss.
Advanced Security
5.0 (5)
A comprehensive, all-in-one security toolset for security audit and integrity monitoring with security hardening features for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor
Performance Optimizer
5.0 (5)

A full-featured performance optimization toolset for CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor with automated performance checks

Automatic User Account Creation
5.0 (4)
Сreate an account for every guest buyer with the generation of a random password and use of the email entered by the guest.
Email Logger / Delayed Emails Sender
5.0 (4)
Speed up page loading during checkout and registration by moving sending of emails into a separate process.
Generate simple sales reports
5.0 (4)
Add-on to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows generating sales reports basing on categories, products or customer in CSV format.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
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Orders Feedback
4.3 (6)
Send your customer email message and ask him leave a feedback about products he ordered.