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On sale
SEO Meta Tags Generator
5.0 (4)

This module allows to automatically generate meta info for products, categories and pages using specific templates

Automatic User Account Creation
5.0 (4)
Сreate an account for every guest buyer with the generation of a random password and use of the email entered by the guest.
Email Logger / Delayed Emails Sender
5.0 (4)
Speed up page loading during checkout and registration by moving sending of emails into a separate process.
Last-Modified + 304 Not Modified
5.0 (4)
Save 40%
The «Last-Modified + 304 Not Modified» addon – is the instrument for online store indexation optimization. With the help of HTTP-headers, this module tells the search engine whether the requested page was modified and when precisely it was modified.
Configurable list of orders in admin area
5.0 (4)
Best way to configure orders list in admin area - add all necessary data to this list!
Lazy Load for Images and Blocks
5.0 (4)
The images and blocks you select will load as you scroll the page. This will have a positive effect on loading speed.
Apply discount on product page
5.0 (4)
The module allows you to quickly increase the conversion rate in the product card and legally circumvent the restrictions of vendors on RRP.
Server and Infrastructure Performance Optimization
5.0 (4)

Optimize the performance of the server and the website, reduce hosting spendings and improve business security

Server Optimization, Maintenance and Monitoring 24/7/365 + SLA
5.0 (4)

Rely on the expert support for your server’s maintenance with 15 min incident response time and SLA guarantees

Phone mask PRO
5.0 (4)
Most use-full phone mask addon