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On sale
Real Time notifications add-on
5.0 (5)
4508.57 Р
Notifications without page reloading. Beep and blinking browser tab title.
FAQ addon (questions and answers)
5.0 (5)
4508.57 Р
Add questions and answers, group them. Place a block with questions and answers on any page of the site. Customize the look.
WebP Images
4.8 (6)
4508.57 Р
Improvement of your online store performance by converting its images to the modern WebP format without quality loss.
Google Merchant Shopping Feeds
5.0 (5)
5861.14 Р
This plugin allows you to create dynamic advertising in Google for the promotion of online store products using data feed. 
Upload your product data, and millions of shoppers will see your online merchandise and products in the store. Change it at any time so that customers always see relevant information in your ads
Extended Banners
5.0 (5)
3606.85 Р
adds new options to standard banners
Images gallery
4.8 (5)
4508.57 Р
Add customizable image galleries to products, blogs, orders, forms, content pages and HTML blocks.
Image Optimization
5.0 (4)
4508.57 Р
Improves page loading speed of the site, positively affects SEO and saves free server space without decreasing quality of images used for products, variations, blog and other CS-Cart objects.
Lazy Load for Images and Blocks
5.0 (4)
4508.57 Р
The images and blocks you select will load as you scroll the page. This will have a positive effect on loading speed.
Product Video
5.0 (4)
1803.43 Р
adds a video to the detailed product page.
Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart
5.0 (4)
5410.28 Р
  • Flexible settings.
  • Wide application.
  • Varied appearance.
Advanced Notifications
4.8 (4)
2705.14 Р
Stylization of standard pop-up notifications. 7 ready-made custom notification styles + the ability to create your own, unique style.
Extended Login Page for Admin & Vendor Panels
4.8 (4)
3606.85 Р
Allows you to style your admin and vendor panels login pages as you wish