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Help Center for customers
4.7 (3)
Save 46%
A powerful tool designed to empower store administrators with the ability to create a comprehensive self-help documentation (knowledge base) section directly on the website.
Product Icon Flipping
5.0 (2)
Adds interesting hover effect to product icons on all products list pages.
Floating Menu
5.0 (2)
Fixes the position of a top panel and a main horizontal menu while scrolling the page down. It is a practical feature to optimize surfing large pages.
Additional Products
5.0 (2)
Sell your products by sets. You can set a discount for one or several products or raise the price for one or more products in kit.
AutoImage Lite CS-Cart add-on
AutoImage Lite
5.0 (2)

AutoImage Lite for CS-Cart is an add-on that assists your image editing, by cropping and resizing all your images automatically, maintaining aspect ratio

Extended Tags / SEO for Tags
5.0 (2)
Ability to create a custom page with a list of all tags, each of which can be configured (color, position, translation, description, SEO data, etc.).
Video Gallery
5.0 (2)
Use video instead of the product images. Edit separate pages for videos and video categories. Add videos to products and products to videos. Mark products with videos.
Smart Image Cropper
5.0 (2)
Bring images in an online store to one standard automatically or manually, using a friendly editor.
Category image gallery
5.0 (2)
  • Decorate the category page with beautiful images.
  • Show products use cases.
Sly Slider
5.0 (2)
An attractive and functional horizontal carousel with categories, products or brands
Images lazy load
5.0 (2)
Save 64%
Increases the speed of loading pages of the site, reduces the consumption of user resources due to the improved algorithm of loading images on the site.
Pro Slider
5.0 (2)
Adds fast in loading and elegant sliders for banners with smooth animations.
Category Landing View
5.0 (2)
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Adds a new block with a list of categories to your store. With it, you will create a unique look for your home page.
Пункты выдачи в карточке товара и списке магазинов
5.0 (2)
Модуль добавляет способы доставки и выводит пункты выдачи прямо в карточке товара и в списке магазинов.
Filter products in the block
5.0 (2)

Filter products in the block - with this add-on you can filtered products in block by using standard filters.

Just copy hash from needed filter and insert in block settings.

Full Width Grid
5.0 (2)
Save 30%
allows to create full width grids (bg, menu, banners, etc)