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PROMO for 3 months: Delivery PRO plus CS-Cart Multi-Vendor
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Free license key
Get a subscription to this module for free. To be able to participate in the promotion, it is important to observe two conditions:
You have at least one verified domain.You have not used this module or a module with a similar configuration.You get a license key for free for the period specified in the title or description. After the end of this period, in order to continue using the module, you need to change the license key to the current one.
If you do not enter a new license key, then after the subscription ends in five days, the module will be deactivated, its use will become impossible.
Image gallery for website and optimization of seller's images for Multi-Vendor MW ONE
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Image gallery for website and image optimization for CS-Cart MW ONE
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Return of goods for Multi-Vendor MW ONE
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The functionality of the module allows you to set the desired values for the categories of goods and services with the output of information on the window. According to the law on consumer protection, this period is 14 days. Compliance with the law increases website conversion.

Yandex search for online stores (require Live search add-on)
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7024.79 Р
  • Quick search regardless of how busy your site is.
  • Search supporting morphology by Yandex.
AI Assistant Chat GPT on admin panel
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4958.68 Р
8264.46 Р
Save 40%
  • Suggest seo text, descriptions for your products.
  • Can write an entire article on a topic you specify!
Pinterest Pixel
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6198.35 Р