Price  $
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Live Search
4.9 (46)
Save 50%
The fastest and the most feature-rich search a free-of-a-monthly-fee alternative to cloud search services.
CS-Cart Customer Mobile App
5.0 (13)
Save 33%
Ecarter React Customer app: Effortlessly shop from home with vast product categories, filters, easy payments, order tracking, and more.
Promotions - discount on products of vendors
5.0 (11)
Extenstion to Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor Plus and Multi-Vendor Ultimate allows creating promotions with vendor conditions. Add-on also allows vendors to create their own promotions.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Customer refund rate and order history on the order page in the admin area
5.0 (10)
This addon adds list of last customer orders and number of orders on the order details page.
Generation of product reviews and repeat sales
5.0 (10)
Best addon for triggered email - clients leave feedbacks on purchased goods and get a discount as reward
Abandoned cart recovery PRO by Email / SMS
5.0 (9)
Save 32%
Automatically track & list all abandoned carts & abandoned checkouts with abandonment protector (cart reminder) & order recovery system
Generate simple sales reports
5.0 (4)
Add-on to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows generating sales reports basing on categories, products or customer in CSV format.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
CS-Cart Support Ticketing System
5.0 (3)
Save 13%
Elevate customer support with CS-Cart Support Ticketing System. Seamless communication, ticket management, and attachment sharing for efficient query resolution.