Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with

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Since our inception in 2010, we have developed 100+ add-ons and themes for CS-Cart with around 7000 downloads for businesses all around the world.

We provide end-to-end software solutions in a variety of industry verticals, including publishing, hotels, print media, customer management, content management, social media, performance engineering retails, and others.


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bullet-point.png?1557840456953 Themes and template designing

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bullet-point.png?1563448864365 90 days free support

bullet-point.png?1557840605665 Superior tech expertise

bullet-point.png?1563448933381 Cost-effective services

bullet-point.png?1563448956491 24*7 customer service

bullet-point.png?1557840751283 Good Quality products Free website performance audit

bullet-point.png?1563449034899 AWS hosting for CS-Cart


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OTP Verification
5.0 (7)
CS-Cart OTP Verification provides the feature to log in the store via Mobile Number and Email both. The OTP verifications will also be done during new customer's registration and checkout process by sending the code to customer's contact number.
Advance Live Currency Converter
4.8 (8)
CS-Cart Advance Live Currency Converter : This magnificent add-on has the ability to auto update and display currency according to the current exchange rates inside CS-Cart backend. The sources of exchange rates are Yahoo Finance and Google Finance and shows the live exchange rate of the day.
Vendor Subdomain
4.6 (9)
CS-Cart Vendor Subdomain is an add-on that allows sellers to create a sub-domain for their products on the Multi-Vendor site. Also, the admin can create the sub-domain on behalf of the vendors.
Multi Vendor Marketplace Mobile App
5.0 (5)
The CS-Cart Multivendor Mobile App builder solves the needs of users by providing a appealing,complete mobile application at an affordable price. This splendid application will allow every size of business to flourish and expand in to mobile world.
Pre Order
4.5 (8)
CS-Cart Pre Order allows customers to place advance orders for upcoming or low-inventory products. It helps users showcase and sell products that still need to be made available and provides insight into customer demand and inventory levels.
Make An Offer
4.7 (6)
The Make an Offer plugin provides transparency to the users to negotiate the price of their desired product with the store admin. The customer can place a custom quote on a product.
Geolocation Language and Currency Converter
5.0 (4)
CS-Cart Geolocation Language and Currency Converter : This impressive add-on converts currency and language of CS-Cart store in run time based on the visitor’s location. An automatic conversion happens on the basis of Geo-location.
CCAvenue Payment Gateway
5.0 (4)
CCAvenue is a popular Payment Gateway that allows online merchants to process their all online transaction. This is authorized by Indian financial institutions to transact money for an online shopping. Integrate a secure payment gateway with CS-Cart.