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This add-on helps to attract new buyers to your shop while they are searching smth on the Internet with the help of Google Rich Snippets markup.

Gives a possibility to manage redirects easily through the Administration panel. It allows to add URL redirections to your store with the 301 and 302 HTTP status codes manually or import .csv files from "Crawl errors" page of Google Webmasters tools.

Display products related to the chosen one on the product detailed page in the separate tab.

It displays Rich Snippets for product details pages and regular pages in Google search results.

SEO friendly Easy scroll pagination add-on allows customers to use infinite scrolling while viewing the long list of products or website content.

Shop by Brands add-on allows you to create A-Z block on any website page and gives shoppers a possibility to shop by Brands available in a store.

Allows you to perform automatically the following actions at set intervals: Backup database; Optimize database; Clear cache and regenerate site map; Clear stats; Clear logs Set backup to admin's email

Allows to share categories with all their products between any of your online stores within one Ultimate system.

Adds extra info below the product price. Price for product unit (piece, kg, square meter, etc)

PayAnyWay – платёжное решение для вашего бизнеса. Позволяет организовать прием платежей за ваши товары и услуги любым удобным способом: банковские карты, онлайн-банкинг, электронные платёжные системы, сервис SMS-платежей, терминалов самообслуживания, салонов связи, систем денежных переводов и почтовых отделений. Работает со всеми странами и любой валютой. Подключение производится бесплатно. Абонентской платы нет, вывод принятых средств производится на р/с без комиссии.