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Change icon of your cart with nice effects with number of products in cart
Awesome Cart Icon Effect
1.0 (1)
Save 80%

This addon will change your cart icon and its appearance to modern style which is best for latest stores.

The old style of cart is improved by newest style and it looks really awesome to users and they have clear visibility to your store cart icon.

Wallet One
1.0 (1)
FedEx Shipping Labels add-on
FedEx Shipping Labels
1.0 (1)

FedEx Shipping Labels add-on makes it possible to get and print out the labels right from the CS-Cart backend. This feature is available not only for a CS-Cart store administrator but for every vendor too.

RosKassa payment
1.0 (1)

Используйте платежную систему RosKassa для транзакций практически с любым шлюзом или платежной службой. Быстро выходите на новые рынки, обеспечивайте безопасность и соответствие платежей и адаптируйте свой платежный стек для поддержки своей бизнес-стратегии.

Shipping Destination
1.0 (1)
Advanced shipping cost calculation based on geographic location This add-on is set to transform the online shopping experience for your customers.
PayAnyWay is a turn key payment solution for your business.
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PayAnyWay – платёжное решение для вашего бизнеса. Позволяет организовать прием платежей за ваши товары и услуги любым удобным способом: банковские карты, онлайн-банкинг, электронные платёжные системы, сервис SMS-платежей, терминалов самообслуживания, салонов связи, систем денежных переводов и почтовых отделений. Работает со всеми странами и любой валютой. Подключение производится бесплатно. Абонентской платы нет, вывод принятых средств производится на р/с без комиссии.

CS-Cart addon payzippy redirect
PayZippy Redirect
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Connect your store PayZippy payment system

Campaign Monitor
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Campaign Monitor is the system of newsletters management. Campaign Monitor makes it easy for you to create, send, and optimize your email marketing campaigns.
Protect your business from fraud by using FraudLabs Pro Fraud Detection Add-On
FraudLabs Pro Fraud Detection Add-On
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FraudLabsPro helps safeguard your business by accurately detecting fraudulent orders and minimizing chargeback losses. We offer a free Micro Plan tailored for those processing fewer than 500 orders per month or generating a monthly sales below $25K.

REES46. eCommerce Marketing Automation and Personalization Suite
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Everything an effective eCommerce marketer needs to attract new clients, turn visitors into customers, easily recover abandoned carts, reactivate and retain customers, and gain full control over online store growth.

XenForo Latest Threads
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Displays the latest threads from your XenForo forum in block of the store.
CS-Cart addon liqpay integration
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Connect your store to LiqPay payment system

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Integration of the South African payment gateway PayFast into your online store.
ZenDesk Integration
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Integration with the most popular Support Ticket System ZenDesk. Separate menu section with the ability to edit, delete tickets, reply to messages and create new ones.
Accordion Slider
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Accordion Slider is an awesome Addon by which you can display slideshow in a very beautiful manner with help of many themes & effects. You can display Product name/Category name/Custom name as a title with linkable image of any slide.
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Integration of the cloud-based customer support platform Freshdesk into your online store.