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Discounted Products Page
Save 17%
Displays discounted products in a separate category and automatically updates them.
Custom Stock Statuses
Allows you to create availability statuses for products from the store catalog. The add-on works in two modes: basic and advanced one.
Update exchange rates
Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows auto-update of currency exchange rates in store, using data from NBP or Alphavantage. Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Google Product Ratings and Customer Reviews
Collect customers' reviews about your online store for Google Merchant program.
Product Questions
Additional customizable question and answer section on the product page with the ability to search by its content.
Extended Wish List
All users can add products to the wish list, group these products and attach notes to them, send the wish list by the email. One click by the administrator and the registered user will get an email reminder about the products that interested him.
Advanced menu constructor
- Create galleries with links.
- Place blocks on any pages of the site.
Phone Registration
Registration and authorization on the site using the user’s mobile phone number.
Push Notifications
Allows you to promptly notify users and administrators about orders through push notifications in the browser and SMS