Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Power FAQ
4.0 (4)
4269.85 Р
Ability to post useful info and answers to the most popular user questions in the form of separate pages and blocks.
Vendor feedbacks
3.8 (4)
6084.54 Р
The add-on allows customers to rate sellers and leave feedback after purchases. Gives you the opportunity to respond to a review or file a complaint
PayPal SDK checkout
4.5 (2)
5123.83 Р
  • Easy and fast checkout in 2 clicks.
  • Support PayPal Pay Later service.
extended accordion menu image
Extended Accordion menu
4.0 (3)
2664.39 Р
3330.49 Р
Save 20%

This add-on extends the “Accordion menu" add-on the functionality by adding the third level of menu and includes all its features.

SMS Alert Order Notifications
SMS Alert
4.0 (3)
Verify orders with an OTP. Login/signup with OTP. Notify your customers about Account creation, Order placed, Order fulfilled, Order cancelled, Order refund and many more.
Subscribe Popup
2.8 (3)
FREE ADD-ON - Boost your newsletter tribe effortlessly!
PIR.Company: SMS notifications
2.8 (3)

The module is designed for SMS alerts administrators and users of the internet shop.

CS-Cart addon up sells cross sells
Up-sells And Cross-sells
3.7 (3)
3842.87 Р

This module shows related products in the Add to cart notification, Cart content and notification on the order landing page