LitExtension: Miva Merchant to CS-Cart Migration

Support migration data from Miva Merchant to CS-Cart automatically

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LitExtension: Miva Merchant to CS-Cart Migration

LitExtension: Miva Merchant to CS-Cart Migration Module allows you to export your products, customers, orders and other related eCommerce entities from your Miva Merchant, preserving relations between them and successfully import to CS-Cart. No technical or coding skill needed - all your data will be transferred to CS-Cart automatically. No downtime for your current Miva Merchant during migration, it will remain functioning without any issue.

Once the migration process is started, you do not need to keep your browser opening or sitting and wait for the process to complete, you are free to close your computer and get notified by email when migration is done.

How To Migrate Your Miva Merchant to CS-Cart


  1. Register and account at LitExtension
  2. Enter your Source store info and Target info
  3. Choose the entities you want to transfer
  4. Perform the migration.


1. FREE DEMO MIGRATION allows you to test the migration, moves a limited number of entities from your Miva to CS-Cart store in less than 30 minutes. FREE DEMO TO GET $5 NOW!

2. FULL MIGRATION lets you migrate an UNLIMITED number of products, orders, customers, categories, variants, attributes and other related entities to CS-Cart. Pricing for Full Migration is calculated based on the number of entities and additional options you will choose for your migration. For more details please check our Pricing calculator.

What Data Can Be Migrated From Miva Merchant to CS-Cart


  • SKU, Name, Description, Qty, Stock Status, Model, Weight ...
  • Base Image, Additional Images
  • Base Price, Special Price
  • Assign to Product Categories
  • Options (Size; Weight, Color ...)
  • Extra Fields ( Checkboxes, Dropdownlist, Radiobuttons)
  • Variants: can be grouped with related variants together to form a product
  • Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
  • Currencies


  • Name, Description, Base Image


  • ID, Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, DOB, Address ...
  • Customer Password
  • Customer Groups: Preserve relationships with their groups


  • ID, Order products, Product price, Qty, Date, Status, Discount price ...


  • Migrate Products and Categories SEO URLs
  • Migrate 301 SEO URLs of categories and products


  • Custom fields of Products, Categories, Customers and Orders


  • Customers Name, Rating, Review, Status ...


  • Tax rules, Tax rates, Product tax classes ...


Additional Features

  • PRESERVE IDs: Preserve Order IDs, Customer IDs on the CS-Cart
  • SELECTIVE DATA MIGRATION: You can select data type (Products, Customers, Orders,...) you're looking for migration
  • RE-MIGRATION: Unlimited re-migrations with NO extra cost
  • MIGRATE RECENT DATA: You have just finished a full migration, after that Miva Merchant is still live and continue getting new data, and you want to get your CS-Cart updated with the new data, this feature to avoid starting over again. We support unlimited recent migrations for free.
  • CLEAR DATA BEFORE MIGRATION: Allow deleting current data (products, customers, orders, etc.) from the CS-Cart before migration
  • DATA SECURITY: Direct data transfer from Miva Merchant to CS-Cart, NO third party involved. Check out our Data Security Policy

Why LitExtension?

  • SUPER EASY: Simply install the module, go through 3 simple steps with just a few clicks. We provide informative and detailed instructions right on the steps.
  • FULLY AUTOMATED: Once migration is started, you don't need to stay watching for the whole process on your browser. Just close your browser, turn off your computer, grab some coffee and get notified by email when migration is completed.
  • 100% UP TIME FOR YOUR STORE: Both your current source and target cart will functioning flawlessly during migration, your customers don't even notice of it.
  • SUPPORT 24/7: Experience LitExtension professional and friendly service. Got questions? You won't have to deal with it alone. LitExtension provides enthusiastic 24/7 support to help you resolve all questions arised.
  • NO TECH REQUIRED: You don't need to understand coding for databases, because the migration tool does everything for you. All you need to do is just to following a few easy instructions.

Free Technical Support

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to support 24/7 even during holidays. Reach out to us at:

  • Skype: litextension
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • Phone: : +84-3-4899-6666 (Vietnam Office), +1-866-670-8817 (US Office), +81-3-6866-2898 (Japan Office)
  • Whatsapp: +84348996666
  • Telegram: +1-866-670-8817


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LitExtension #1 Shopping Cart Migration Service

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LitExtension #1 Shopping Cart Migration Service

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