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Order Without Email
No reviews
Allows clients to checkout without specifying their email. A random email with the use of domain, set by administrator, is generated instead.
CS-Cart addon Product Shipping Cost
Product Shipping Cost
5.0 (2)

This module allows to easily calculate shipping costs of the item right on the product details page

Full page CACHE addon for CS-CART + HTML minify
4.9 (41)
Save 29%
  • Makes your store faster.
  • Improves the SEO ranking of the site.
  • Increases conversion.
Extended Order List
No reviews
CS-Cart Extended Order List add-on expands the basic order details on the order list page itself. This works well in Admin, Vendor, and Customer area
Promotions - discount on equal amount of products from other category
No reviews
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendorallows you to create promotion, that will discount products in category, depending on amount of products purchased by customer from other category.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Google Enhanced Ecommerce (GA4)
5.0 (1)
Additional options to configure analytics. Tracking user actions in an online store with the ability to create your own custom events.
Service Panel
No reviews
Сreate a fixed panel with quick access buttons right in your storefront.
cs -cart add-on full width blocks
Full Width Blocks
5.0 (2)

This module allows to add full width blocks (menu, banners, etc)

Google Product Ratings and Customer Reviews
5.0 (1)
Collect customers' reviews about your online store for Google Merchant program.
No reviews
Create various product collections that will be displayed in a special block on the product page.
Delivery Feedback System
No reviews
Gather customer feedback in a smart way by using the add-on CS-Cart Delivery Feedback System in your eCommerce store and enhance user experience.
Google Geolocation
No reviews
Detect and geolocate users and display it with Google maps. Collapsible block with mini-map is set to store's top menu automatically.
Size Charts
5.0 (5)
Ability to create and display various size charts on the page of a single product or products of an entire category.
Address Autocomplete
5.0 (1)
The checkout process and registration for users and vendors will become easier with the address autocomplete feature.
CS-Cart addon products by features
Products By Features
5.0 (1)

This module allows to show in blocks products with specific product features

Order Attachments
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Adds the ability for vendors to attach files (for example, documents or product images) to orders.
Gestpay Payment Gateway
No reviews
Integrate a seamless payment gateway, Gestpay with CS-Cart with advanced security via addon CS-Cart Gestpay Payment Gateway.
Smart Image Cropper
5.0 (2)
Bring images in an online store to one standard automatically or manually, using a friendly editor.
Search motivation
No reviews
Add animated motivational expressions to search input
Payment Link For Customer
No reviews
Send a payment link to the customer to complete the payment of the order using splendid add-on CS-Cart Payment Link For Customer.
Customer just Bought
No reviews
Shows the notification to all online customers if someone has just made an order on the store. The notification can be customized. Payment Gateway
No reviews
CS-Cart Payment Gateway Simplifies the payment process by integrating a reliable and secure payment gateway
Sort promotions
No reviews

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendorallows you to sort promotions in frontend based on parameters.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Multi-Vendor Bridge
3.7 (3)
Save 25%
CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Bridge is designed especially for CS-Cart Multi-vendor systems to allow vendors to manage their mini-store via frontend.
CS-Cart add-on Simple Profit
Simple Profit
5.0 (2)

Simple Profit tells profit per product, profit per order and the total profit in a convenient way.

CS-Cart addon filter by categories
Filter By Categories
5.0 (2)

This module allows to add filter by product categories

Product Questions
5.0 (1)
Additional customizable question and answer section on the product page with the ability to search by its content.
Forms Manager Logger
No reviews
Logs all data of the submitted forms on a separate page in the admin panel and in the user’s personal account.
Banner Booking
5.0 (2)
Now allow anyone to advertise on your CS-Cart or Multi-Vendor store with this splendid add-on CS-Cart Banner Booking. Whoever wishes to display an advertising banner on your store can pay for a specific time period and add the desired banners on website.
ShippingEasy Connector
No reviews
Spending too much time and money in managing orders on various marketplaces along with your own CS-Cart store, then optimize & speed up the process with this CS-Cart ShippingEasy Connector.
AliExpress Dropshipping
3.7 (14)
CS-Cart AliExpress Dropshipping addon allows merchants to import products from AliExpress to CS-Cart. So, import products & their combinations from AliExpress. With a single click, place the CS-Cart orders on Aliexpress to be shipped directly to the customer.
Phone Authorization
5.0 (1)
Allows to authorize by phone with SMS code or password