Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Promotions - apply percentage or flat discount depending on discount size
No reviews
10620.22 Р

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows automatically giving the highest bonus from all defined in promotion.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Marketplace Performance Booster
No reviews
212404.42 Р
Increase the speed and endurance of your store at peak hours with Varnish and ESI.
BestPrice 360
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BestPrice 360 is an Integration for CS-Cart that records the clicks and sales made by guests in your store, informing you about the conversion rate.

Abandoned cart reminder
No reviews
4354.29 Р
Add-on sends E-Mail reminders to customers with incomplete orders. Developed by CS-Coding
PayLane Payment Method
No reviews
5012.74 Р
This Payment method works with checkout for payment in CS-Cart. It works with multiple currencies. Admin can easily implement this sustainable and reliable online payment solution for his/her Customers.
Association banners with the seller
No reviews
2124.04 Р

This addon allow to specify banners to vendor. Banners will be shown only at the vendor pages.

Admin panel color scheme - addon for cs-cart
No reviews
3398.47 Р
  • Customize the color scheme of the admin panel.
  • Separate setting for each storefront and vendor.
Spin To Win
No reviews
5862.36 Р
With the help of CS-Cart Spin To Win add-on, you can create many games and can put them on any page of your storefront and can make your storefront more interesting for customers in terms of view as well as for use.
Enhanced eCommerce for Google Analytics (GA4)
No reviews
3822.43 Р
Get a detailed report in real-time or for a selected period and analyze your customers' action
Customer reliability
No reviews
The add-on integrates with the "Blacklist" service from It checks client data against the database and displays their order redemption rating. Additionally, the add-on provides the store with summary information about the number of orders made by the customer, which is shown in the details of each order.
Category block
No reviews
6053.53 Р
7858.96 Р
Save 23%
Adds a new block with categories for quick navigation. Three modern presets to choose from. Can be placed on the main page or in any convenient place
A gift is waiting for you
No reviews
5841.12 Р
Adds various stock display options to motivate customers
Tracking 404 errors
No reviews
2867.46 Р
Add-on for analyzing 404 errors. Collects statistics of transitions to a 404 page, displays it in a convenient list, allows you to set up redirects and import/export data
Banking details and invoices
No reviews
6690.74 Р
Allows you to flexibly configure and automatically fill in the details of the buyer using the DaData service for invoicing. Adds the ability to create forms for registering a vendor or a buyer with details fields from the module settings
Банк Фридом Финанс
No reviews

Особенности эквайринг-системы от Банка «Фридом Финанс»

Систему можно адаптировать под любой вид бизнеса. Основной функционал остается стандартным — прием платежей через интернет при помощи банковских карт. Систему можно настроить под конкретный вид деятельности, определить какие именно параметры должны отображаться в личном кабинете в первую очередь.

Преимущества эквайринговой платформы Банка «Фридом Финанс»:

  • функциональный личный кабинет
  • возможность отслеживать все движения средств по заказам вашего интернет-магазина в режиме онлайн
  • встроенная онлайн-фискализация: автоматическая отправка чеков в налоговую и оператору фискальных данных (опционально)
  • моментальное списание и зачисление денег
  • расчётный счёт может быть открыт в любом российском банке
  • вывод средств, полученных от покупателей, осуществляется уже на следующий рабочий день. При наличии РКО в ФФИН Банке средства зачисляются на счет моментально
  • защита персональных данных клиентов и безопасность банковских операций благодаря технологии 3DSecure

Ежедневный доход на остаток по счету 3% годовых с капитализацией!*

Для кого предназначен сервис?

Эквайринг-система создана для юридических лиц и индивидуальных предпринимателей, которые ведут хозяйственную деятельность, продвигая товары и услуги через собственные сайты. Это может быть любой вид бизнеса: от торговли до туризма, оказания бытовых и медицинских услуг — все сферы деятельности, где может быть востребована мгновенная оплата.

Подключение за несколько шагов:

  1. Оформление заявки на сайте за несколько минут
  2. В течение 30 минут звонок от вашего персонального менеджера для согласования условий и представления списка документов
  3. В течение 1 рабочего дня – процедура согласования вашей компании и платежного сервиса. Заключение договора
  4. Подключение платёжного модуля ФФИН Банка к вашему интернет-магазину. Начало работы

Стоимость и тарифы:

  • Бесплатное подключение интернет-эквайринга и отсутствие абонентской платы
  • Фиксированная комиссия за каждую транзакцию без дополнительных скрытых процентов 
  • Тариф на эквайринг зависит от сферы деятельности компании и платёжной системы карты – от 0,9>#/li###
  • Платежи по картам Visa, Mastercard, «МИР»


* При открытии расчетно-кассового обслуживания и подключении интернет-эквайринга Банка «Фридом Финанс»

Rich Snippet - SEO Structured Data
No reviews
3653.36 Р
Adding markup will allow Google robots to correctly interpret the data and display concentrated information about your site on the search page, which will facilitate navigation and understanding of the structure of resource activity by potential users.
Hide feature from vendor
No reviews
1699.24 Р

This add-on allows you to hide the features from the vendor.  You can open or close the feature from vendor by one click.

Price History ChartList
No reviews
3610.88 Р
Allows to track price history by chartlist on product page.
Additonal info about files to download
No reviews
6372.13 Р

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows showing info about files to sell on product list.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Vendor Address
No reviews
3313.51 Р
Points out the seller's address or location on pages: product pages; cart page.
Smartarget Facebook Messenger - Contact Us
No reviews

Allow customers to contact you using Facebook Messenger

Individual sorting of products
No reviews
1433.31 Р

Customize the sorting individually for individual categories.

Smartarget Skype - Contact Us
No reviews

Allow customers to contact you using Skype

Clone product with all variations
No reviews
14868.31 Р
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows cloning products and all its variants with one click.If you're looking to buy this add-on as one time purchase or take a look into add-on reviews, they are available here: One-time purchase add-onSee the full list of our subscription-based add-ons: Full list of subscription add-onsMake purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Honest rating
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6542.06 Р

This add-on is an add-on for reviews in cs-cart. Its main features are:

  • Adds a rating to products (not displayed in the product card) and sorting by rating
  • Adds the ability to enable or disable the display of ratings for goods in the block.
  • Displays more detailed grade information.
Contract Execution module for CS-Cart
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28887.00 Р
35683.94 Р
Save 19%

The module allows you to create an agreement for the buyer based on the selected order.

Vendor categories connection module for CS-Cart
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22259.98 Р
29736.62 Р
Save 25%

The administrator can view products that do not have a category link. Automatic distribution of the category tree with the module takes much less time, which is especially important when working with a large number of suppliers.

Facebook Share + Discount
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4163.13 Р
Makes it possible to give the customer a discount for sharing product on their Facebook timeline. The add-on creates a special button on each product page for sharing product on Facebook and get a discount.  
Grouped Merchant Features for CS-Cart
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13593.88 Р
14018.69 Р
Save 3%

The "Grouped characteristics" module in two clicks will combine the characteristics and values into one and assign the necessary values. The module also solves the problem of end-to-end filtering of goods or services by the visitor, accelerating the search for goods and increasing customer loyalty.

Image gallery for the site and optimisation of the seller's image for CS-Cart
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4672.90 Р
7476.64 Р
Save 38%

Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Grouped Feature Options for CS-Cart
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10790.14 Р

Different suppliers may have similar products, the name of the characteristic may also coincide, but the spelling of the value of the variant of the characteristic may differ. The module groups several characterization options into one.

Commercial offer for CS-Cart
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14018.69 Р

The module simplifies the creation of a commercial proposal by generating it on the basis of a product or a comparison list.

Tariff Plans: PRO for Multi-Vendor
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The module automatically changes the privileges of seller administrators when changing the tariff plan. Having connected the tariff plan and user groups in the settings, the seller’s administrators will automatically change the user group when the tariff changes.

Commercial offer from seller and marketplace administrator
No reviews
14018.69 Р

The module simplifies the creation of a commercial proposal by generating it on the basis of a product or a comparison list.

Infinite pagination
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1019.54 Р
1274.43 Р
Save 20%

The add-on adds infinite pagination to category and search pages of the store.

Filter by Features
No reviews
2463.89 Р
Adds a filter field with a Search button on the product editing page in the Admin panel. In case there are products with a great number of features in the store, it will be easy and fast to check the spesific feature in the backend. 
BIFIT online module-cloud fiscalization service
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Module for automatically sending checks online through the BIFIT service

Smartarget - Exit Popup
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Use Exit Popup to prevent users from leaving the website

Lazy images
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3058.62 Р
3823.28 Р
Save 20%

With the help of our add-on images will start downloading only after they become visible on the screen and not in advance. This functionality allows downloading less content during the initial page loading thus speeds up the store and reduces the load on the server.

Saferpay Payment
No reviews
8496.18 Р
Integrate Saferpay to accept online payments in local currency securely around the world.
Customer reactivation
No reviews
6261.68 Р
Cart Share
No reviews
4248.09 Р
Allows your customers to share the contents of their cart with anyone else in a few clicks. It increases conversion, generates traffic and solves the problem of abandoned carts when the buyer switches devices.
Vendor Product Page Pro
No reviews
4163.13 Р

Show other products from the same vendor on product page

Import with moderation and auto-creation of PRO features for CS-Cart
No reviews
23364.49 Р
33984.71 Р
Save 31%

The module is designed to speed up the loading of goods. Automates the process of matching fields. It works when the standard module “Advanced import of goods” is connected. Self-learning, stores information about the loaded fields for each hotel vendor and the entire store as a whole.

The composition of the goods for the online store on CS-Cart
No reviews
14018.69 Р

The module allows you to form groups of related products, completing the order and supplementing it with a list of additional options. When picking, the characteristics and variations of the characteristics of each product are taken into account, which can be changed, forming a unique offer and the composition of the items for the order.

Composition of products for the marketplace
No reviews
17841.97 Р
23364.49 Р
Save 24%

The module allows you to form groups of related products, completing the order and supplementing it with a list of additional options. When picking, the characteristics and variations of the characteristics of each product are taken into account, which can be changed, forming a unique offer and the composition of the items for the order.

Promotion Alerts for CS-Cart
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4248.09 Р

The module is an addition to the basic “Promotions and discounts” in the standard delivery for the CS-cart platform.